The Orleans TestKit is an easy-to-use toolkit for unit testing the grain logic of applications built with Microsoft Orleans. The Orleans TestKit is intended to augment the TestCluster
unit testing approach provided by the official Microsoft.Orleans.TestingHost
NuGet package.
The Orleans TestKit is evolving to meet the demands of the team. If you have a question or need, please ask us!
Simply install the OrleansTestKit
NuGet package in your project to get started. For example, run the following command in your Visual Studio Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package OrleansTestKit
Examples are provided by the included test project.
When run within a test kit environment, code that calls the GetPrimaryKey
extension methods sometimes result in an ArgumentException
with the following message:
Passing a half baked grain as an argument. It is possible that you instantiated a grain class explicitly, as a regular object and not via Orleans runtime or via proper test mocking.
See issue #47 for a discussion and references to upstream issues.
The build artifacts for tagged commits are published to NuGet and copied to GitHub Releases.
The build artifacts for pull request commits and master
branch commits are attached to the individual Continuous Integration workflow logs.
- Report bugs and ask questions by opening a new GitHub Issue
- Chat on Gitter
This project is released under the MIT license.