Fullstack application built using React and NodeJs with server side rendering.
- Full features SPA + PWA with SSR
- Frontend (React)
- Backend (Express)
- ORM (Sequelize)
- DB (All databases supported by sequelize e.g MySql, MSSql, Sqlite, PostgreSQL)
- Login & Registration features
- JWT based authentication
- New Context api for state management
- Server Side Rendering
- React + react-router working together
- Server-side data pre-fetching
- Client-side state & DOM hydration
- Route-level code splitting
- Progressive Web App
- App manifest
- Service worker
- 100/100 Lighthouse score
- Component styling
- Hot-reload in development
- CSS extraction for production
- Animation
- Effects when switching route views
- Unit testing
- Using Jest
- E2E testing
- Using Testcafe
- Examples
- Read to roll examples for any project
Requires Node.js 8+
# install dependencies
npm install # or yarn
# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:5050
npm run dev # or yarn dev
# build for production
npm run build:prod # or yarn build:prod
# serve in production mode
npm start # or yarn start
# serve through ngrok tunnel
# Details: (this gives an external url to browse from internet for the purpose of testing while developing locally without deploying to server)
## Dev
npm run dev:tunnel # or yarn dev:tunnel
## Prod
npm run prod:tunnel # or yarn prod:tunnel
# run unit tests
## single run
npm test # or yarn test
## watch mode
npm run test:watch # or yarn test:watch
# end-to-end tests
# start server
npm run dev # or yarn dev
## single run
npm run e2e # or yarn e2e
## watch mode
npm run e2e:watch # or yarn e2e:watch