The codes in the 'StockMarkNetIndicators' repository can be used to filter cross-correlation matrices of stocks in a financial market to construct network of stocks based on Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and a chosen threshold. Thereafter, the filtered network in the form of edge list or file can be characterized by computing several network measures including edge-based curvature measures.
The following script can be used to filter the cross-correlation matrices and generate edge files and node files of the filtered networks:
- : Python script to generate a weighted or unweighted filtered minimum spanning tree + thresholded network from the weighted network of cross-correlation values.
The following scripts can be used to compute the different network measures for the filtered networks:
- : Python script to calculate the communcation efficiency of the network
FormanUndirected.cpp : C++ code to calculate the Forman-Ricci curvature of edges in the network
- : Python script to calculate the following measures on the network, namely, Number of edges, Average degree, Average Weighted Degree, Edge Density, Average Clustering coefficient
- : Python script to compute Menger-curvature and Haantjes-curvature for all the edges in an unweighted network
- : Python script to calculate network entropy using degree and remaining degree distribution
- : Python script to compute the Ollivier-Ricci curvature of edges in the network
Folder 'louvain-generic' within folder 'CODE' contains the code to compute the Louvain modularity of the network; this is a copy of the open source code made available by the original authors of the method
To run:
(1) ./louvain-generic/convert -i "insert edge file" -o ./temp/$folder/graph.bin -w ./temp/$folder/graph.weights
(2) ./louvain-generic/louvain ./temp/$folder/graph.bin -w ./temp/$folder/graph.weights >& ./temp/$folder/graph.tree
- analysis_matlab.m: Matlab code to generate index log-returns, mean market correlation, GARCH volatility, minimum risk Markowitz portfolio. The moving epochs and the price time series are the input parameters to code.
The data was collected from the public domain of Yahoo finance database for two stock markets in two different countries, namely, USA S&P-500 index for 194 stocks and the Japanese Nikkei-225 index for 165 stocks spanning a 32-year period from 2 January 1985 (02-01-1985) to 30 December 2016 (30-12-2016).
Archived folders 'USA22d22s' and 'JPN22d22s' contain cross-correlation matrices computed using non-overlapping time windows with epoch of 22 days while folders 'USA22d5s' and 'JPN22d5s' contain cross-correlation matrices computed using overlapping time windows with epoch of 22 days and overlap of 5 days. These cross-correlation matrices were used in the construction of the networks. The above-mentioned archived folder can be downloaded from :
(1) Folder 'USA22d22s' -
(2) Folder 'USA22d5s' -
(3) Folder 'JPN22d22s' -
(4) Folder 'JPN22d5s' - -
The cross-correlation matrices contained in different files in the above-mentioned archived folders are in the form:
"stock1 stock2 Correlation Distance", where distance is computed as Distance=sqrt(2*(1-c)) with c as correlation. -
The files USA22d5s.xlsx, USA22d22s.xlsx, JPN22d5s.xlsx and JPN22d22s.xlsx contain dictionaries relating cross-correlation matrices in the folders 'USA22d5s', 'USA22d22s', 'JPN22d5s' and 'JPN22d22s', respectively, and the start date / end date of different cross-correlation matrices.
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( # Equal contribution, * Corresponding authors)