Full documentation can be found at: https://rpsgroup-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/p/kelsey_ruckert/EjUZ-DUqEllMgc9oNc-ihKQBBOyvDuXtsl0Ll4_WR6Usmw?e=wJUjlJ
python3 -m venv parcels-env
source parcels-env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python server.py
docker build -t eds-base-2 .
docker run --publish 5000:5000 -it --rm eds-base-2 /bin/bash
Then inside the container run
python3 server.py
If that all works you should be able to enter this url (for example) and get the json response you saw before
docker rmi eds-base-2:latest
To list docker images:
docker image ls