This component adds classnames to your component when it mounts/unmounts so that you can add css transitions to it. basically the same thing as CSSTransition from react-transition-group, except smaller and without dependencies.
This component does not include any transition effects; you need to add your own. See example css below.
TinyTransition needs requestAnimationFrame
(compatibility table) and element.classList
(compatibility table) in order to do its thing, so make sure to add polyfills if you need to support older browsers (like IE9 and below).
npm install react-tiny-transition
duration : Number = 500
The duration of your css transition (milliseconds)
disableInitialAnimation : Boolean = false
Disable the animation when TinyTransition mounts
delay : Number = 0
Delay before adding classnames (milliseconds)
children : React element
Single React element
classNames: Object
beforeEnter: "before-enter",
entering: "entering",
beforeLeave: "before-leave",
leaving: "leaving"
Classnames to use when mounting / unmounting
import TinyTransition from "react-tiny-transition";
<TinyTransition duration={500}>
{this.state.isVisible &&
<MyComponent />
.before-enter {
opacity: 0;
.entering {
transition: opacity 0.5s;
opacity: 1;
.before-leave {
transition: opacity 0.5s;
.leaving {
opacity: 0;
In order to keep TinyTransition as tiny as possible, one child only will get classnames applied. If you want transitions on lists of things, you could try react-flip-move or react-flip-motion.