Welcome to the ATTAC Stat Tracker.
ATTAC is a CLI app that provides a user with the ability to keep track of their basketball performance. The user is enabled with a full CRUD capacity - Create, Read, Update and Delete (their stats).
- As a user, I want to create a game so I can log my stats for that game.
- As a user, I want to update my stats so that they are corrected.
- As a user, I want retrieve my stats so I can assess my performance.
- As a user, I want to delete a my game in case of any input errors.
ATTAC uses the following gems: sinatra-activerecord, sqlite3, faker, pry, rake, require_all, csv, colorize. In order to install these gems, just type - "bundle install" in the project folder.
- app - contains model and instance methods for the models
- bin - contains run file where testing can be done for future contributors
- csv - contains csv files for a few players to load fake data into the CLI app
- db - contains migration information as well as seeds.rb file to upload csv files into the database
- lib - contains two files; one that configures the interaction in the CLI and one that provides methods to facilitate the user interactions
In order to run this CLI app, type 'ruby attac.rb' into your terminal within this project folder.
This software is available under the following licenses: