Collect CPU temperature informations and republish them as diagnostics
- Launch the node with the provided example launch file
roslaunch cpu_temperature_diagnostics cpu_temperature_diagnostics.launch
- Viewing the data
rosrun rqt_runtime_monitor rqt_runtime_monitor
<node name="cpu_temperature_diagnostics" pkg="cpu_temperature_diagnostics" type="cpu_temperature_diagnostics_node" respawn="false">
<!--Allows to specify the expect prefix for the sensor chips used to get CPU temperature
To know the value run the command "sensors" on Intel platform it's "coretemp"
This parameter is mandatory-->
<param name="prefix" value="coretemp" />
<!-- Allow to override the sensor provided maximum acceptable temperature. This is useful if you run in
a very hot environement and temperatures over max are acceptable. You can also lower the value for a cooler running system -->
<param name="max_temp_override" value="75" />
<!-- Allow to override the sensor provided critical temperature. This is useful if you run in
a very hot environement and temperatures over max are acceptable. You can also lower the value for a cooler running system -->
<param name="critical_temp_override" value="85" />