A mishmash of useful mesh functions.
- OpenMESH 8.1
- doxygen: When doxygen is found, a
target is created to generate API documentation. - OpenMP: When OpenMP is available, some algorithms are parallelized.
- Eigen3: Needed for computing laplace matrices.
Set CMake variables:
: The root folder of an OpenMesh installation.Eigen3_DIR
: The CMake directory of a installed libeigen, e.g.<EIGEN_PREFIX>/share/eigen3/cmake
- DoublePrecisionTraits allow for meshes using double instead of float
types allow for consistent mesh types across different projects linking against each other.
- An implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm (shortest edge path search), that allows to use custom distance functions
- Breadth first search for elements
- Get faces reachable from a source face
- Get vertices reachable from a source vertex
- Get the sets of vertices of the connected components in a mesh.
- Calculate a Minimum Spanning Tree of the Dijkstra paths between a set of vertices
- Calculate one Dijkstra Minimum Spanning Tree per connected connected component
- Calculate all shortest distances for a single source vertex
- Build a submesh from a set of faces of a mesh
- Split mesh into its connected components
- Create a global refinement using 1-to-4 splits
- Uniform sampling inside triangles
- Uniform sampling inside circles
- Uniform sampling inside annuli (rings)
- Poisson disk sampling inside triangles and circles using the algorithm of Bridson (``Bridson, R. (2007). Fast Poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions.
- In ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Sketches on - SIGGRAPH ’07, (San Diego, California: ACM Press), pp. 22-es.``) [URL]
- Fibonnaci sphere sampling
- Create an "edge mesh", that highlights a set of edges of a mesh
- Create a "vertex mesh", that highlights a set of vertices of a mesh
- Colorize a mesh using a given vertex
property - Construct a grid
- Construct a grid around an isosurface of a given signed distance function
- A simple wrapper around the OpenMesh smoothing function
- Collapse short edges to improve mesh quality
- Get an array of the vertex handles of a face
- Compute the triangle area of a face or a set of points or vertex handles
- Get the halfedge opposite to a vertex in a given face
- Compute the euler characteristic of the mesh
- Embed a 3D triangle in the 2D plane
- Add macros for often used iterator loops
MishMesh::TriMesh::FaceHandle fh = mesh.face_handle(0);
FOR_CFV(v_it, fh) {
std::cout << "Vertex Index: " << v_it->idx() << std::endl;
- A templated bounding box implementation with functions for testing if points are inside the box and for clipping points at the bounding box
- Compute a mesh laplacian with support for normalization and vertex area weighting
- Compute geodesic distances using the algorithm of Novotni and Klein (
Novotni, M., & Klein, R. (2002). Computing geodesic distances on triangular meshes. In In Proc. of WSCG’2002
) [URL]. - Compute geodesic distances using the heat method (
Crane, K., Weischedel, C., and Wardetzky, M. (2013). Geodesics in Heat. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 1–11
) [URL].
- Compute cone singularities on the mesh using the algorithm of Ben-Chen et. al (
Ben-Chen, M., Gotsman, C., & Bunin, G. (2008). Conformal Flattening by Curvature Prescription and Metric Scaling. Computer Graphics Forum, 27(2), 449–458
) [URL].