Builds a memory card game.
- Loads to display status - Initializing page, after loss, and win.
- Displays info on hover.
- Updates scores in real-time.
- 3d interaction effect on cards.
To solidify concepts of State and Effects
in React.
Developers, users, and non-developers.
Users can install all dependencies using package.json
file via:
npm install
File | Description |
src/* |
Source files that are bundled into the output directory dist/ . |
src/main.jsx |
The main JavaScript entry point that bundling begins. |
src/App.jsx |
Main component where overall structure and other layout components of the app are contained. |
src/assets/* |
All assets(imgs, icons, vids) used in website. |
src/components/Boilerplate.jsx |
All components in body assembles here. |
src/components/Card.jsx |
Creates each card. |
src/components/FetchImgs.jsx |
Fetches all image urls. |
src/components/ids.js |
Generates ids with uuid. |
src/components/Info.jsx |
Displays info section. |
src/components/Loading.jsx |
Creates a loading display with two props: gif and text . |
src/components/Score.jsx |
Displays Score section. |
src/styles/App.css |
Main stylesheet for entire site. |
src/styles/reset.css |
Sets style to default for consistency across different devices and browsers. |
dist/* |
Output files from bundling of files in directory src/ . |
dist/main.js |
Main JavaScript output file that contains the bundled JavaScript code. Code is minified and optimized for deployment (Due to mode set to production in webpack config). |
package* |
Contains details of project and dependencies versions. |
readme-assets/* |
Live demo and different screen views used in . |
File | Description |
src/assets/banana.png |
Photo created by Meesgroothuis on Pixabay. |
src/assets/bg.jpg |
Photo created by Alexas Fotos on Pixabay. |
Fetched Images |
Photos created by Alexas Fotos on Pixabay API. |
src/assets/*.gif |
Photo from Giphy. |
- Fix load resource error in console.
- Add sound.
- Use an svg favicon.
- Make flip appear 3d.
- Display remaining moves at bottom (n/8).
- Make sure images fully appear before Loading ends.
- Add difficulty level.