Contains code examples used in the Exploring Elixir screencast series:
Note that this is not a "coherent" Elixir application, but rather the collection of snippets and modules used in the screencasts.
Code for each episode is typically found in lib/exploring_elixir/e###/
Setup functions for each episode are found in the ExploringElixir module, so a typical interactive session will look like:
iex -S mix iex(1)> ExploringElixir.episode1 .. some output .. iex(2)>
At which point you can continue exploring the code for that episode.
Otherwise, the usual mix do deps.get, compile
should suffice to try it out.
Benchmarks should be run with MIX_ENV=prod
Thanks to everyone who contributes to Elixir and its community, with a special thanks to the authors of the libraris used in this repository!