Practice sessions for job interviews. Started a long time back but never continued.
Following NEETCODE IO DSA roadmap.
- 217 - Contains Duplicate
- 242 - Valid Anagram
- 1 - Two Sum
- 49 - Group Anagrams
- 347 - Top K Elements
- 659 - Encode Decode String
- 238 - Product of Array Except Self
- 36 - Valid Sudoku
- 128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence
- 25 - Valid Palindrome
- 167 - Two Sum II Sorted Array
- 15 - 3 Sum
- 11 - Container with most water
- 42 - Trapping Rain water
- 20 - Valid Parenthesis
- 22 - Generate Parenthesis
- 150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- 155 - Minimum Stack
The repository is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.