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Aatos Coding Challenge

Libraries/tech used

You don't need to know all of these beforehand, we've tried to keep things simple enough to be found from the documentation easily.


Create an account to (it's free) and create an API key. Create a file called .env.development.local in the root directory. Note that it may take several hours for the API key to be enabled after you have created it (but usually it should be enabled soon after creating it).

with the following content (add your own api key)


You may read more about the usage of .env.development.local from here if interested, but basically it allows you to create environment variables that are evaluated and embedded at the build time (i.e. when you run yarn start).

Running the project

Install dependencies

# or 
npm install

Run project

yarn start
# or
npm run start

Returning your solution

Via github

  • Make a copy of this repository in your own github account (do not fork).
  • Create a personal repository in github.
  • Make changes, commit them, and push them in your own repository.
  • Send us the url where to find the code.

Via tar-package

  • Clone this repository.
  • Make changes and commit them.
  • Create a .tgz -package including the .git-directory, but excluding the node_modules-directories.
  • Send us the archive.

The Challenge

1. Make it compile

Something seems off... Find what is causing the application to crash on start

2. Where's the data?

At the moment there's no data to show. Use the provided getWeatherFromApi function and fetch the weather data when the Weather component is mounted the first time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The OpenWeatherMap API has a limit of 60 requests per minute. Be careful not to accidentally make an infinite loop that spams the API so your OpenWeatherMap account won't get blocked. If your account gets blocked, you won't be able to make any more requests. If that happens, you have to make a new account and update your API key in .env.development.local and restart the project. Note that it may take several hours for OpenWeather to enable a new API key after you have created it (but usually it should be enabled soon after creating it).

3. Add some columns

We'll be using a design system called Antd Design. Use Ant Design's Grid system to modify the view to show data in two columns (example below)



4. WeatherDataSection deserves it's own file

WeatherDataSection deserves it's own file: Move the component to a new file and import it from there.

5. Possibility select the city

At the moment we're always getting the current Weather data for Helsinki. Add a way for the user to select a city from the following options:

  • Helsinki
  • Tampere
  • Turku
  • Oulu

The weather data should automatically be updated with the data for the chosen city

Also, the chosen city should be passed to the WeatherDataSection component as a prop and it should show the city name.

6. Sunrise and sunset

The same api call that we use to get the current weather also gives us information regarding sunset and sunrise. Using this data, create a new component that informs the user what time the sunsets and rises, and how long the day is ( i.e. difference between sunset and sunrise, you can decide how precise you'd like to show this information). You may use an external npm library to date/time calculations (for example: date-fns).

Hint: The api returns the sunrise and sunset data in unix time. In order to convert it to a Javascript Date object you need to multiply it with 1000 e.g. new Date(sunrise * 1000);

7. Show the weather forecast

Use the provided getWeatherForecast function to fetch the 7 day weather forecast for the given city. Show the following information regarding the forecast:

  • Minimum temperature
  • Maximum temperature
  • Average temperature

The temperatures should be shown up to a precision of 1 decimal, so for example -1.9031 would be shown as -1.9. To get the temperature for a given day, you can use the getTemperatureForDay to parse it from an object in the forecast array.

The final result

The final result should look something like this


Feel free to make it prettier than the example if you want :)

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.


My attempt at the Aatos interview challenge






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