This is a modern SCSS mixin based on Flexbox.
This is constantly in development! Try it out now: You can generate grid system based on flexbox as you prefer.
- free in naming className
- free in columns per breakpoint
- free in various columns system per breakpoint
- free in adding breakpoints
- free in gap between columns
- honestly if you are senior you are able to utilize all mixins as you prefer for your project
npm install flex-grid-system-maker-mixin
yarn add flex-grid-system-maker-mixin
After installation, you can make simple grid-system with this snap shot:
@import 'flex-grid-system-maker-mixin/scss/flexbox-grid-system-maker-mixin'
$breakpointSm: 576px;
$breakpointMd: 768px;
$breakpointLg: 992px;
$breakpointXl: 1140px;
@include makeFlexRow(b-row);
@include makeFlexCols(col-, 12);
@include makeFlexGap(b-row, 10px, 10px);
@include makeFlexHelpers(flex-);
@include makeJustifyAlignHelpers();
// this should be after above so we can make it high priority than befores
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpointSm) {
@include makeFlexCols(sm\:col-, 3, \/3);
@include makeFlexCols(sm\:col-, 12);
// this should be after $breakpointSm so we can make it high priority than befores
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpointMd) {
@include makeFlexCols(md\:col-, 12);
@include makeFlexCols(md\:col-, 5, \/5);
@include makeFlexGap(b-row, 30px, 30px);
@include makeFlexHelpers(md\:flex-);
@include makeJustifyAlignHelpers(md\:);
// this should be after $breakpointMm so we can make it high priority than befores
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpointLg) {
@include makeFlexCols(lg\:col-, 12);
// this should be after $breakpointLg so we can make it high priority than befores
@include media-breakpoint-up($breakpointXl) {
@include makeFlexCols(xl\:col-, 12);
// these should be at the bottom so we can make it high priority than befores
@include makeFlexGap(small-gap, 10px, 10px);
@include makeFlexGap(no-gap, 0, 0);
// makeFlexRow(b-row);
@include makeFlexRow(b-row);
// now we can use <div class="b-row">...</div>
// @include makeFlexCols(<classNamePrefix>, <columns>, <classNameSuffix>);
// className will generated as <classNamePrefix><col><classNameSuffix>
@include makeFlexCols(col-, 5, \/5);
/* now we can use
<div class="b-row">
<div class="col-2/5">2/5</div>
<div class="col-3/5">3/5</div>
// @include makeFlexGap(<className>, <gapX>, <gapY>);
@include makeFlexGap(b-row, 20px, 20px);
/* now the cols inside b-row will be spaced 30px
<div class="b-row">
<div class="col-2/5">2/5</div>
<div class="col-3/5">3/5</div>
// @include makeFlexHelpers(<classPrefix>);
// @include makeJustifyAlignHelpers(<classPrefix>);
@include makeFlexHelpers(flex-);
@include makeJustifyAlignHelpers(b-);
/* now we can use as
<div class="b-row b-just-center b-align-center">
<div class="col-1/5 flex-grow flex-order-1">2/5</div>
<div class="col-2/5 flex-order-0">3/5</div>
/* media-breakpoint-up(<minWidth>) */
@include media-breakpoint-up(768px) {
@include makeFlexCols(md\:col-, 12);
@include makeFlexCols(md\:col-, 5, \/5);
@include makeFlexGap(b-row, 30px, 30px);
@include makeFlexHelpers(md\:flex-);
@include makeJustifyAlignHelpers(md\:);
Feel free to customize.
This is a SCSS mixin for make grid system as you prefer.
There is no JavaScript included. People generally want to use their own JS implementation (and usually already have one). This can be considered "environment agnostic": it's just the style layer on top of the logic.
This uses autoprefixer to make (most) Flexbox features compatible with earlier browser versions. According to Can I use, This is compatible with recent versions of:
- Chrome
- Edge
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
Internet Explorer (10+) is only partially supported.