Different AWS Infrastructure resources written with Terraform.
- create s3 bucket
- create a lambda function (source code -> zip -> up to s3 -> lambda)
- AWS API Gateway Rest API with Lambda
- Dynamodb scan, perform query using Python Lambda
- Dynamodb PutItem using Python Lambda
- Dynamodb data manipulation with Python
- lambda create ec2 instance
- lambda start ec2 instance
- ec2 provision local files
- read, delete sqs message
- step function with lambda
- Packer - create AMI
- lambda launch ec2
- step function state machine with lambdas
- s3 and event-bridge
- terraform read environment variables
- Classic Load Balancer with Autoscale
- Application Load Balancer
- Terraform and docker ec2
- Provision and Run Docker Compose on ec2
- VPC with NAT Gateway and eIP
and so on.... This is an incremental process of making things from the beginning. Learn while making! The codes are tested by me. But I can not assure that they will run on your world/devices. I wish we lived in a perfect world!
To run -
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
If you wish to delete infrastructures after playing:
$ terraform destroy