Digit recognition on hand-written digits using Convolutional Neural Network with Keras library. Achieved an accuracy of 99.50%.
Python --> Python 3.6.5
OS --> Ubuntu 19.04 / Windows 10
GPU --> Nvidia Geforce 940MX (2GB)
Intel Core i5-7200 @ 2.50GHz
RAM --> 4gb
Model can be trained by running mnist_train2.py
python mnist_train2.py
Trains the model to predict hand-written digits from their images.
Saves the weights in model.h5 file.
Saves the model in model.json file.
Model can be tested by running mnist_test2.py
python mnist_test2.py
Predicts hand-written digits from their images.
Loads the weights from model.h5 file.
Loads the model from model.json file.
Displays a random image of a hand-written digit on screen.
Predicts the digit and prints it on terminal.