To build a synthetic asset tracking the Kovan RAI redemption rate movements using UMA.
UMA is a fast, flexible, and secure way to create synthetic assets on Ethereum. UMA has defined a novel architecture that enables anyone to create a synth asset that can track virtually anything from stock markets in Iran to gas fees on Ethereum safely and securely.
In this challenge, I created a synth asset RR-RAI-APR21
tracking the RAI redemption rate.
Also, a DApp (a fork of UMAProtocol/emp-tools) to interact with my EMP and manage/create their positions.
is the rate at which RAI is being devalued or revalued, it can therefore be negative as well. It is stored as redemptionRate
in OracleRelayer
relayer contract. Mathematically,
redemptionRate = Redemption_Rate + 1
Therefore redemptionRate
is bound in (0,2) which makes it a sensible candidate to track our synthetic asset. But redemptionRate
changes very slowly and is almost constant up to few decimals. For example, these are some consecutive value for redemptionRate
0.999999999848547411861463422, // Starting 10 decimals are almost consatnt
To mitigate this to some extent we can use annualizedRate
which is a scaled version of redemptionRate.
annualizedRate = (redemptionRate) ^ (365 * 12 * 30 * 24 * 3600)
I avoided using complex scaling methods to keep the implementation as simple as possible. (In case of dispute, every UMA shareholder should be able to calculate the correct price without any issue. Also, the same price value should be reproducible across different programming languages like python, bash up to 18 decimals (Wei) in case someone decides to use a different language)
Lastly, to prevent market manipulation due to flash loans and other factors which can make Redemption_Rate
volatile for a very short period (which can cause sudden liquidations) so we should take Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) of annualizedRate
Sources of data :-
Event fromRateSetter
calculates TWAP (8 hours by default) of annualizedRate
. While calculating TWAP, timestamp of asset price should be accurate so for that purpose we will use the timestamp of the block in which redemptionRate
is changed (or UpdateRedemptionRate
event block time).
Since redemptionRate
is updated every updateRateDelay
(saved in RateSetter
) seconds, for Kovan it is 3 Hrs so TWAP length is kept 8 hrs to make sure atleast 2 annualizedRate
are used to calculate price.
Also sometimes there is a delay of 15min in rate updation ( see for full discussion).
There can be a delay of about 40-60s (or sometimes more) in indexing new events to subgraph, which can lead to wrong calculation of TWAP as there might be a new price that is not indexed in the subgraph yet, so to prevent this we employ the following logic
PRICES = QUERY_SUBGRAPH() // Fetch prices from subgraph (with block number to compute timestamp)
LATEST_SUBGRAPH_TIMESTAMP = PRICES[0].timestamp // Subgraphs's latest price's (block) timestamp
IF CURRENT_TIME > NEXT_RATE_UPDATE_TIME: // If this is true, that means subgraph might not have lastest price indexed.
LATEST_PRICE = PRICE_FROM_MOST_RECENT_EVENT() // Try to get price from latest UpdateRedemptionRate event
IF LATEST_PRICE && LATEST_PRICE.timestamp > LATEST_SUBGRAPH_TIMESTAMP: // If price from event is newer than lastest subgraph
PRICES.push(LATEST_PRICE) // add to prices list
Why don't just read redemptionRate
from OracleRelayer
Problem is that we need a timestamp for a given price also in order to calculate the correct TWAP, reading the value from the contract will not give us a timestamp of price.
The full implementation of price feed with unit tests is contained in the UMA protocol repo's fork.
RaiRedemptionPriceFeed - here
Unit tests - here
Also, default price-feed configuration has been added for bots to work with minimal configuration - eacb633
UMA's Networker
class does not support sending POST requests which were necessary in order to query subgraphs. To add support for POST requests I made few small changes to it. Here is the PR UMAprotocol/protocol#2691
An EMP UMA Contract and Token has been deployed to the Kovan test net and a UMA liquidation & disputer bot is configured to use the RaiRedemptionPriceFeed
"symbol": "RAI",
"name": "Rai Reflex Index"
"address": "0x76b06a2f6df6f0514e7bec52a9afb3f603b477cd",
"decimals": 18,
Added buy UMA team to AddressWhitelist
. through this transaction
Added by UMA Team to IdentifierWhitelist
through this transaction
syntheticName: "RAI Redemption Rate [RR April 2021]",
syntheticSymbol: "RR-RAI-APR21",
Token Deployed (by EMP) at
Expiry date: 30/04/2021, 16:30:00 UTC
Price identifier: RaiRedemptionRate
Collateral requirement: 1.25
Unique sponsors: 1
Minimum sponsor tokens: 100.0 RR-RAI-APR21
(This EMP will expire at the end of April 2021 and synth holders can redeem their token then.)
Deployed at
While trying to deploy EMP using UMAProject/launch-emp scripts I faced some errors due to incompatibility between the old ganache-CLI version and node 14, I made a small PR for this also ,UMAprotocol/launch-emp#14
Created the pool and added the initial liquidity to Kovan Uniswap Pool of RAI
and RR-RAI-APR21
Pool Address -
NOTE:- You might need to import RAI
tokens in uniswap in-order to swap.
Live -
Source -
A Simple DApp to interact with EMP, manage the position, deposit collateral, redeem synth and view positions or liquidations. (Fork from emp-tools)
- Disable DevMining interfaces
- Use updated EMP ABI.
- Replace Old EMP ABI methods with the updated ones.
- Add dummy price config for
synth. (Its hardcoded to 1 for good approximation as due to time constraints I could'nt deploy price API for this.)
Since no breaking changes were made to this, no new tests are written. Old tests are still passing by the way.
(All the interactions with EMP contract is done using the above DApp.)
Liquidator Address -
Added 150 RAI, 100 RR-RAI-APR21, and some ETH to liquidator address (see for more info
MNEMONIC=skin moment wagon special donkey excuse brown fruit wall put sunny ecology
COMMAND=yarn truffle exec ./packages/liquidator/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
Disputer Address -
Added 150 RAI, 100 RR-RAI-APR21, and some ETH to Disputer address (see for more info
MNEMONIC=drip sniff surface alien notice chuckle dash charge claim solid runway arrive
COMMAND=yarn truffle exec ./packages/disputer/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
A new position is created where 200
RAI is deposited for 100 RR-RAI-APR21
Sponsor - 0x1920F59D3De3cd1753fC677c9d431C99777B9a99
Transcation -
Since asset price is bounded between (0,2) (annualizedRate
) this position should be well above 1.25 (minimum CR ratio required).
Current Status - Over Collaterised (No risk of liquidation)
❯ yarn truffle exec ./packages/liquidator/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
yarn run v1.22.5
$ /home/oreki_clr/Projects/UMAProject/protocol/node_modules/.bin/truffle exec ./packages/liquidator/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
Failed to initialize libusb.
Using network 'kovan_mnemonic'.
2021-03-14 14:22:07 [info]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "Liquidator started 🌊",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"pollingDelay": 60,
"errorRetries": 3,
"errorRetriesTimeout": 1,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"liquidatorConfig": {}
2021-03-14 14:22:10 [debug]: {
"at": "createReferencePriceFeedForFinancialContract",
"message": "Inferred default config from identifier or Financial Contract address",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"identifier": "RaiRedemptionRate",
"defaultConfig": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18
2021-03-14 14:22:11 [debug]: {
"at": "createPriceFeed",
"message": "Creating RAIRedemptionRatePriceFeed",
"config": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"lookback": 7200
2021-03-14 14:22:11 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615731731,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144
2021-03-14 14:22:11 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "Liquidator initialized",
"collateralDecimals": 18,
"syntheticDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"liquidatorConfig": {
"contractVersion": "latest",
"contractType": "ExpiringMultiParty"
2021-03-14 14:22:19 [info]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "Approved Financial Contract to transfer unlimited synthetic tokens 💰",
"syntheticApprovalTx": "0xa49bbc4a76ac56c4e6e6f89bd24f371a9a9a29d5f01a8c1ac142e56aa1d6bfdf"
2021-03-14 14:22:20 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator update skipped",
"currentTime": 1615731740,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615731731,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144,
"timeRemainingUntilUpdate": 51
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "FinancialContractClient",
"message": "Financial Contract state updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "1615731740"
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for liquidatable positions and preforming liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for under collateralized positions",
"liquidatorOverridePrice": null,
"latestCumulativeFundingRateMultiplier": "de0b6b3a7640000",
"inputPrice": "999999999988988357",
"scaledPrice": "979999999989208589",
"financialContractCRRatio": "1250000000000000000",
"maxCollateralPerToken": "1224999999986510736",
"crThreshold": 0.02
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "No undercollateralized position"
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for expired and disputed liquidations to withdraw rewards from"
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "No withdrawable liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:22:21 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "End of execution loop - waiting polling delay",
"pollingDelay": "60 (s)"
Withdrawing large amount of collateral can cause our position to under collateralized. Since DApp won't allow such transactions to happen we will have to use etherscan write contract feature for this
We will use the requestWithdrawal
method to withdraw 100 RAI to make our position under collateralized for testing.
Withdrawl request Transaction -
Current Status - Under Collaterised (risk of liquidation)
❯ yarn truffle exec ./packages/liquidator/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
yarn run v1.22.5
$ /home/oreki_clr/Projects/UMAProject/protocol/node_modules/.bin/truffle exec ./packages/liquidator/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
Failed to initialize libusb.
Using network 'kovan_mnemonic'.
2021-03-14 14:29:28 [info]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "Liquidator started 🌊",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"pollingDelay": 60,
"errorRetries": 3,
"errorRetriesTimeout": 1,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"liquidatorConfig": {}
2021-03-14 14:29:34 [debug]: {
"at": "createReferencePriceFeedForFinancialContract",
"message": "Inferred default config from identifier or Financial Contract address",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"identifier": "RaiRedemptionRate",
"defaultConfig": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18
2021-03-14 14:29:34 [debug]: {
"at": "createPriceFeed",
"message": "Creating RAIRedemptionRatePriceFeed",
"config": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"lookback": 7200
2021-03-14 14:29:34 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615732174,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144
2021-03-14 14:29:34 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "Liquidator initialized",
"collateralDecimals": 18,
"syntheticDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"liquidatorConfig": {
"contractVersion": "latest",
"contractType": "ExpiringMultiParty"
2021-03-14 14:29:35 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator update skipped",
"currentTime": 1615732175,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615732174,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144,
"timeRemainingUntilUpdate": 59
2021-03-14 14:29:36 [debug]: {
"at": "FinancialContractClient",
"message": "Financial Contract state updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "1615732172"
2021-03-14 14:29:37 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for liquidatable positions and preforming liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:29:37 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for under collateralized positions",
"liquidatorOverridePrice": null,
"latestCumulativeFundingRateMultiplier": "de0b6b3a7640000",
"inputPrice": "999999999988993697",
"scaledPrice": "979999999989213823",
"financialContractCRRatio": "1250000000000000000",
"maxCollateralPerToken": "1224999999986517278",
"crThreshold": 0.02
2021-03-14 14:29:37 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Detected a liquidatable position",
"scaledPrice": "979999999989213823",
"maxCollateralPerToken": "1224999999986517278",
"position": {
"sponsor": "0x1920F59D3De3cd1753fC677c9d431C99777B9a99",
"withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp": "1615739248",
"withdrawalRequestAmount": "100000000000000000000",
"numTokens": "100000000000000000000",
"amountCollateral": "200000000000000000000",
"hasPendingWithdrawal": true
2021-03-14 14:29:37 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Liquidating position",
"position": {
"sponsor": "0x1920F59D3De3cd1753fC677c9d431C99777B9a99",
"withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp": "1615739248",
"withdrawalRequestAmount": "100000000000000000000",
"numTokens": "100000000000000000000",
"amountCollateral": "200000000000000000000",
"hasPendingWithdrawal": true
"inputPrice": "979999999989213823",
"minLiquidationPrice": "0",
"maxLiquidationPrice": "1224999999986517278",
"tokensToLiquidate": "100000000000000000000",
"txnConfig": {
"from": "0xfce1cb7EE0Ea8926c2BbCc68D1D927555F9f7256",
"gas": 522288,
"gasPrice": 144000000000
2021-03-14 14:29:48 [info]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Position has been liquidated!🔫",
"position": {
"sponsor": "0x1920F59D3De3cd1753fC677c9d431C99777B9a99",
"withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp": "1615739248",
"withdrawalRequestAmount": "100000000000000000000",
"numTokens": "100000000000000000000",
"amountCollateral": "200000000000000000000",
"hasPendingWithdrawal": true
"inputPrice": "979999999989213823",
"txnConfig": {
"from": "0xfce1cb7EE0Ea8926c2BbCc68D1D927555F9f7256",
"gas": 522288,
"gasPrice": 144000000000
"liquidationResult": {
"tx": "0x14524acc9991903527f7ae71864143ec3156f55ef4981f702a0b693aafe4bc13",
"sponsor": "0x1920F59D3De3cd1753fC677c9d431C99777B9a99",
"liquidator": "0xfce1cb7EE0Ea8926c2BbCc68D1D927555F9f7256",
"liquidationId": "0",
"tokensOutstanding": "100000000000000000000",
"lockedCollateral": "200000000000000000000",
"liquidatedCollateral": "100000000000000000000"
2021-03-14 14:29:48 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "Checking for expired and disputed liquidations to withdraw rewards from"
2021-03-14 14:29:48 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator",
"message": "No withdrawable liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:29:48 [debug]: {
"at": "Liquidator#index",
"message": "End of execution loop - waiting polling delay",
"pollingDelay": "60 (s)"
After liquidation is complete user can see this in DApp also.
❯ yarn truffle exec ./packages/disputer/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
yarn run v1.22.5
$ /home/oreki_clr/Projects/UMAProject/protocol/node_modules/.bin/truffle exec ./packages/disputer/index.js --network kovan_mnemonic
Failed to initialize libusb.
Using network 'kovan_mnemonic'.
2021-03-14 14:31:45 [info]: {
"at": "Disputer#index",
"message": "Disputer started🔎",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"pollingDelay": 60,
"errorRetries": 3,
"errorRetriesTimeout": 1,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"disputerConfig": null
2021-03-14 14:31:46 [debug]: {
"at": "createReferencePriceFeedForFinancialContract",
"message": "Inferred default config from identifier or Financial Contract address",
"financialContractAddress": "0x08eA186755Ad743897c00AAfaEF7Fb9A7EcE8cf3",
"identifier": "RaiRedemptionRate",
"defaultConfig": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18
2021-03-14 14:31:47 [debug]: {
"at": "createPriceFeed",
"message": "Creating RAIRedemptionRatePriceFeed",
"config": {
"type": "rairate",
"rateSetterAddress": "0x0641C280B21A31daf1518a91A68Ad396EcC6f2f0",
"raiSubgraphUrl": "",
"updateRateDelay": 10800,
"twapLength": 28800,
"historicalLookback": 28800,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"lookback": 7200
2021-03-14 14:31:47 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615732307,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144
2021-03-14 14:31:47 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer#index",
"message": "Disputer initialized",
"collateralDecimals": 18,
"syntheticDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedDecimals": 18,
"priceFeedConfig": null,
"disputerConfig": {
"contractVersion": "latest",
"contractType": "ExpiringMultiParty"
2021-03-14 14:31:47 [debug]: {
"at": "GasEstimator",
"message": "Gas estimator update skipped",
"currentTime": 1615732307,
"lastUpdateTimestamp": 1615732307,
"currentFastPriceGwei": 144,
"timeRemainingUntilUpdate": 60
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "FinancialContractClient",
"message": "Financial Contract state updated",
"lastUpdateTimestamp": "1615732304"
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer",
"message": "Checking for any disputable liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer",
"message": "No disputable liquidations"
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer",
"message": "Checking for disputed liquidations that may have resolved"
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer",
"message": "No withdrawable disputes"
2021-03-14 14:31:49 [debug]: {
"at": "Disputer#index",
"message": "End of execution loop - waiting polling delay",
"pollingDelay": "60 (s)"
- Setup
- Local install
- EMP on net
- Kovan addresses
- Bot parametrization