- React.JS
- Typescript
- Next.JS
- Remix
- Node.JS
- Express.JS
- MongoDB + Atlas
- - 1 - Server - set routes
- - 2 - Client - Next.JS project started
- - 3 - Client - routing
- - 4 - Client - GET data from the server (all requests tested)
- - 5 - Client - like cat POST request
- - 6 - Client - UI & design - started
- - 7 - Client - fix Next.JS rendering performance - too slow - use React Suspense, build, start
- - 8 - DB - add cats (data)
- - 9 - Server - convert to typescript
- - 10 - Client - move search box to header
- - 11 - Client - move cat/:id route to cats-search/:id & delete cats route
- - 12 - Client - home page - converted to server component. Replaced state with next.js loading & error handling & server fetch function
- - 13 - Client - spinner component created
- - 14 - Client - CatsSearchSuspended - converted to server component with loading, error & server fetch
- - 15 - Client - removed suspense, moved fetch functions to separate file. Search grid component - use next.js searchParams props instead of hook.
- - 16 - Client - styling
- -- Small card - styling completed
- - 17 - Client - removed cats data fetch caching to enable like PUT request to update like count even after refresh.
- - 18 - Client - cat page - get data with fetch by id instead of session storage
- - 19 - Client - top rated - flex layout
- - 20 - Client - cat page - styling
- - 21 - Client - mobile layout
- - 22 - Comment the code
- - 23 - Get cats array queries
- -- Mongo projection - get only required fields
- -- Dynamic pagination (client & server)
- - # - MongoDB - update cats' image urls to smaller images. Currently getting large images.
- - # - Mongo Index - add index on the cats collection name field - for faster querying of search cats by name
- -- Might require Atlas nGram for substring indexing
- - # - Client - replace no-cache from GET requests with Next.js revalidation when likeCat PUT request sent.
- - # - Client - like button - show like count update faster
- - # - FID - First Input Delay - must be improved
- -- Next.js - try turbo for quicker running: "dev": "next dev --turbo",
- -- Check TBT (Total Blocking Time)
- -- Lazy loading - next dynamic imports
- -- Next.js - Bundle analyzer
- - # - Maybe implement express-openapi, next streaming server components, skeleton loader, close mongo client
"name": "String",
"birthday": "ISODate",
"age": "Number",
"address": {
"street": "String",
"city": "String",
"country": "String",
"zipCode": "String"
"favoriteFood": "String",
"colors": ["String"],
"heightCM": "Number",
"weightG": "Number",
"image": "String",
"likeCount": "Number",
"breed": "String"