This README provides instructions on how to set up and run the Asimovo ROS 2 stella simulation using Docker.
Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. If not, follow the instructions here to install Docker.
Step 1: Clone this repo in your local machine (which has 'asimovo-humble-fortress' image installed) in your workspace (Terminal 1)
mkdir <your_workspace_name> && cd <your_workspace_name>
git clone
Run the Docker container with the necessary environment settings and volume mounts:
sudo docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --network="host" -it asimovo-humble-fortress:latest
Check container ID and copy the container ID:
sudo docker ps
Now Copy the packages into the docker container using:
sudo docker cp /home/<user>/<your_workspace_name>/stella-arm-moveit/. <container ID>:/home/asimovo
Step 4: Now in Terminal 1 run the shell file to install all dependencies and build the packages (Terminal 1)
cd /home/asimovo
chmod +x
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch bringup_stella_arm
To test moveit, in Rviz, select stella_arm as planning group and set start state to current and goal state to 'home'. Now select stella_gripper as planning group and set start state as current and goal state to 'gripper_open'