is a neovim
plugin written 100% in lua
. Aims to provide dimmed styles for some unused variables
, functions
, parameters
and disable Lsp Diagnostic Style
He is inspired by neodim and dim. But with some cool features.
From lazy.nvim:
event = { "LspAttach" },
config = function ()
The configurations that can be passed in setup are:
return {
hooks = {
-- after the default filter function runs, the following hook function will be executed
lsp_filter = function(diagnostics)
-- get all used diagnostics
return diagnostics
-- disable diagnostic styling while dimming the colors?
-- {} : do not disable any diagnostic styles
-- "all" : disable all diagnostic styles
-- { "parameter", "function", "keyword.function"} : only disable diagnostic styles for specific captures
-- see ``
disable_diagnostic_style = "all",
-- customize different files for different file types disable_diagnostic_style
filetype_options = {
-- python = {
-- disable_diagnostic_style = {
-- "parameter",
-- "type"
-- }
-- }
This is a plugin to disable unused extra style in LSP The implementation method is very simple:
- Customize the vim.diagnostic.handlers[signs|virtual_text].show method
- Override the show method of handlers other than underline, Filtering out unused resources
- Underline's show method will still dim them, but other handler's show methods will disable hints such as dummy text
So, he has 1 filtering steps:
- Screening on
lsp diagnostic
- Screening on
Filtering at lsp diagnostic
level will remove all diagnostics containing unused
(but some diagnostics that qualify in disable_diagnostic_style
will be kept)
In the configuration of setup
, lsp_filter
are the hook functions defined after the default filter function runs.
Disable all diagnostic styles:
config = function ()
disable_diagnostic_style = "all"
Do not disable any diagnostic styles:
config = function ()
disable_diagnostic_style = {}
Disable diagnostic style for function arguments only:
config = function ()
disable_diagnostic_style = {