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Sweep is a tool for interactive search through a list of entries. It is inspired by fzf.


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Sweep is a tool used to interactively search through a list of entries. It is inspired by fzf. screenshot


  • Fast
  • Beautiful
  • Easily customizable color palette by specifying only three main colors from which all other colors are derived.
  • JSON-RPC protocol can be used to communicate with sweep process.
  • Includes asyncio python binding
  • Configurable key bindings
  • Support for rendering custom icons/glyphs from SVG path (requires kitty-image or sixel protocol support)


Basic usage

$ sweep --help
Usage: sweep [-p <prompt>] [--prompt-icon <prompt-icon>] [--query <query>] [--theme <theme>] [--nth <nth>] [-d <delimiter>] [--keep-order] [--scorer <scorer>] [--rpc] [--tty <tty>] [--no-match <no-match>] [--title <title>] [--json] [--io-socket <io-socket>] [--input <input>] [--log <log>] [--preview <preview>] [--layout <layout>] [--version]

Sweep is a command line fuzzy finder

  -p, --prompt      prompt string
  --prompt-icon     prompt icon
  --query           initial query string
  --theme           theme `(light|dark),accent=<color>,fg=<color>,bg=<color>`
  --nth             filed selectors (i.e `1,3..-1`)
  -d, --delimiter   filed delimiter character
  --keep-order      do not reorder candidates
  --scorer          default scorer to rank items
  --rpc             switch to remote-procedure-call mode
  --tty             path to the TTY (default: /dev/tty)
  --no-match        action when there is no match and enter is pressed
  --title           set terminal title
  --json            candidates in JSON pre line format (same encoding as RPC)
  --io-socket       use unix socket (path or descriptor) instead of stdin/stdout
  --input           read input from the file (ignored if --io-socket)
  --log             log file (configure via RUST_LOG environment variable)
  --preview         create preview subprocess, requires full layout
  --layout          layout mode specified as `name(,attr=value)*`
  --version         show sweep version and quit
  --help            display usage information

Key bindings

Current key bindings can be viewed by pressing ctrl+h.

Default key bindings
Name Key Bindings Description ctrl+s Switch to next available scorer ctrl+j ctrl+m enter Return item pointed by cursor
sweep.quit ctrl+c esc Close sweep ctrl+h Show help
sweep.preview.toggle alt+p Toggle preview of an item
input.move.forward right Move cursor forward in the input field
input.move.backward left Move cursor backward in the input field
input.move.end ctrl+e Move cursor to the end of the input field
input.move.start ctrl+a Move cursor to the beginning of the input field
input.move.next_word alt+f Move cursor to the end of the current word
input.move.prev_word alt+b Move cursor to the start of the current word
input.delete.backward backspace Delete character to the left
input.delete.forward delete Delete character to the right
input.delete.end ctrl+k Delete everything to the right ctrl+n down Move to the next item in the list
list.item.prev ctrl+p up Move to the previous item in the list pagedown Move one page up pageup Move one page down
list.home home Move to the beginning of the list
list.end end Move to the end of the list


  • Clone this repository

  • Install rust toolchain either with the package manager of your choice or with rustup

  • Build and install it with cargo (default installation path is $HOME/.cargo/bin/sweep make sure it is in your $PATH)

    $ cargo install --path sweep
  • Or build it and copy the binary

    $ cargo build --release --bin=sweep
    $ cp target/release/sweep ~/.bin
  • Test it

    $ printf "one\ntwo\nthree" | sweep
  • Enjoy



You can also run python -msweep demo to see different formatting and icon usage. Note that to render icons terminal needs to support support kitty-image or sixel. demo icons


Sweep support JSON-RPC communication protocol for easy integration python and other languages. It is enabled by --rpc flag, by default standard input and output is used for communication but if --io-socket is passed it can be either file descriptor or path to a socket on the filesystem.

Wire protocol

Message is encoded as JSON per line

Methods and Types


Item = String
| {
    target: [Field],
    right?: [Field],
    right_offset?: int = 0,
    right_face?: Face,
    preview?: [Field],
    preview_flex?: float = 0.0

Item is a searchable item, it can either be a string or a dictionary, if it is a string then it is equivalent to {"target": string }. This format of item is also used when --json flag is passed to sweep even without --rpc.

  • target - Is a list of fields that is searchable shown on the left side
  • right - Is a list of fields that is show on the right side
  • right_offset - Is a number of columns that will be allocated for the right field. If it is not specified right field will take as much space as needed.
  • right_face - Face used to fill right view
  • preview - Additional information that will be shown when item is selected
  • preview_flex - Determines how much space is allocated for preview, if it equal to 1.0 then it will take half of the available space. If i t is 0.0, then it will take as much space as needed.
  • ... - any additional fields are not parsed but are returned as a part of the result
Field = String
| [String, bool]
| {
    text: String,
    active?: bool = True,
    glyph?: Icon,
    face?: Face,
    ref?: int

Field is used to construct Item, it can either be a string, list or a dictionary. String is equivalent to having just text field in the dictionary. List is equivalent to having text and active field in the dictionary.

  • text - String content of the field
  • active - Whether string is searchable or not
  • glyph - Icon will be rendered in place of this field
  • face - Face used to render this field
  • ref - Reference to a field registered with field_register. If specified this field will inherit unspecified keys from registered field. It is useful when you want to avoid sending something like Icon multiple times.
Face = "fg=#rrggbbaa,bg=#rrggbbaa,bold,italic,underline,blink,reverse,strike"

Face is text and glyph styling options, it is a comma separated string of text attributes.

  • fg - foreground color (text color)
  • bg - background color
  • bold - bold text
  • italic - italic text
  • underline - show underline below text
  • blink - blink text
  • reverse - swap foreground and background
Icon = {
    path?: String,
    view_box?: [float; 4],
    fill_rule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd",
    size?: [int; 2],

Icon is an SVG path rendered as an icon, it is a dictionary with following attributes:

  • path - Path specified in the same format as d attribute of SVG path.
  • view_box - [minx, miny, width, height] of the view port. If not specified bounding box with some padding is used.
  • fill_rule - same as SVG fill-rule. "nonzero" is a default.
  • size - [rows, columns ] how much space will be allocated for the icon.


Method Description
field_register(field: Field) -> int Register field that can be used as the base for the other field
items_extend(items: [Item]) Extend list of searchable items
items_clear() Clear list of searchable items
items_current() -> Item? Get currently selected item if any
query_set(query: String) Set query string
query_get() -> String Get query string
terminate() Gracefully terminate sweep process
prompt_set(prompt: String, icon?: Icon) Set prompt string (label string before search input)
bind(key: String, tag: String) Assign new key binding. key is a space separated list of chords, tag can either be sweep a action, a user action (bind notification is send) or empty string which means to unbind
preview_set(value?: bool) Whether to show preview associated with the current item


Events are encoded as method calls coming from the sweep process without id

Event Description
select(item: Item) Entry was selected by pressing Enter ("" action)
bind(tag: String) Key binding was pressed, with previously registered key binding
ready(version: [String]) Sent on initialization of sweep peer


Sweep is a tool for interactive search through a list of entries. It is inspired by fzf.








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