Collective community creative writing.
Autora is a collective creative writing experiment. Propose a poem or a story. Submit a word or a line. Read and vote on other people's submissions. Watch a story grow or read completed projects, and share them with your friends! Join the Autora experiment.
Autora is currently an Ember app served by Express.js server. Data are stored and fetched from Firebase. Fortunately in Ember apps, there is a good separation of concerns so you may help us even if you have no experience with Ember.
To contribute to this project it is important to have basic knowledge of tooling and Git. You will need to fork the Autora project on Github. Clone your fork to your computer. Run the local Ember app, make changes, push them to your forked repository and make pull requests to our main repository. If these things are new to you, contact us and we can give you some guidance.
If you are coder, you can:
- Help us with writing global SCSS
- Write SCSS to make the app more responsive
- Write templates for routes
- Write templates and SCSS for components
- Ember uses HTMLBars for templating, basicly updated version of Handlebars. It iis very easy to understand and the key parts will probably be prefilled by an Ember developer anyway so you can just end up writing HTML.
- Some of our SCSS patterns are inspired by Semantic UI.
See the handlebars guide here:
If you know Ember, you can help us however you want to make the Ember app more awesome!
If you know Node.js well, you can:
- Improve our little Express.js backend
- Create various CRON jobs
If you know Firebase, you can:
- Write security rules, validations for us! (We really need this at the moment :))
Or just fork the the repo and see for yourself if there is any way for you to help us!
git clone
- get this repository
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
- change into the ember app directory
cd autora/webapp/client/
npm install
bower install
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
(development)ember build --environment production
#Running the landing page and express server locally
Additional prerequisites: Grunt-cli
- Navigate to root
cd autora
npm install
bower install
npm start
- to start the servergrunt watch
- to compile assets on the go