Evolution of gene blocks in proteobacteria can be described by a small set of events: insertions, deletions and duplications. The figures generated will help understand the evolutionary rate.
This program requires the following inputs:
Genome block information files.
A csv file mapping accession numbers to corresponding organism names.
A newick formatted phylogenetic tree.
An event pickled dictionary containing each operon's events and number of their observations.
An output directory of user's choice.
Note: Samples for each of the inputs are available in 'data' folder.
This command should run generate the required figures:
./operonVisual.py -n data/optimized_results_proteobacteria -m data/mapping.csv -t data/reorder.nwk -e data/event_dict.p -o [path to your choice of output directory]
CSV files with all the z-scores in each operon's event
Directory with genome diagrams alone.
Directory with diagram containing tree, genome diragram and heat map for each operon event.