File -> alagwankar3_overlapBED
- OVERLAP Question: This is a very common task in genome analysis. Oen, we want to find functional elements that overlap with other elements, e.g. transcription start sites contained in transposable elements, predicted transcription factor binding sites within DNase hypersensitivity sites, or even some set of genes or horizontally transferred regions. Maybe you found some peaks in your ChIP-seq data and you want to see if those overlap with known enhancers, or perhaps you have a set of SNPs and you would like to know what genes they fall in. If you do not know what those words mean, go look them up! Comparing ALL coordinates of the first set versus ALL coordinates of the second set will work for small sets only. That method scales with the multiplication of the sizes of the two sets. If you have 106 members in each set (not at all unrealistic) do you want to make 1012 comparisons? You need to find a better way. What your script should do:
- Take in two files that contain sets of coordinates in BED format. You can assume that the contents of both files are sorted by chromosome, start and stop. Having the data sorted allows you to greatly speed up the process of the overlap. Definitions for BED file format can be found:
- Take in an option for the minimum percent overlap, i.e. percent of bases of any given member of the first set that must be in a member of the second set to be counted as overlapping.
- Print to a file the members of the first set which overlap with the second set and meet the minimum overlap and other conditions specified. Each overlap should only be printed once in this manner.
- Allow an option to print both the member of the first set and the member of the second set that it overlaps with on the same line, in effect ʻjoiningʼ the rows.
2)SNP calling pipeline You will be required to create a pipeline for calling Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Underlying biology and problem description: We are living in the post-genomic era where sequencing genomes now takes under a day; thousands of genomes have been sequenced and assembled. Many (not all) organisms, whether prokaryote or eukaryote, now have a complete reference (or a canonical) genome sequenced and assembled already. Given that assembling genomes de novo requires substantial expertise along with computational and human resources, a more practical approach of analyzing genomes is to map the genomic reads to an existing reference. This approach is also referred to as genome re-sequencing. Once you have your reads mapped to an existing reference strain, the process can diverge into multiple directions depending on the nature and objective of the project. One common direction is to call variants. Variants are simply the bases in your sample’s genome that are different from the corresponding bases in the reference genome. These differences can (or cannot) lead to a range of phenotypic differences either directly (as is the case in amino acid changes or nonsynonymous changes) or indirectly (a change of base in the splice site leading to change in splicing pattern or change in the regulatory region leading to enhanced or depleted gene expression). In this exercise, we will write a pipeline for mapping genomic reads to a reference genome and calling SNPs from the mapping. You have seen most of these commands before, be sure to use the WGS/WES Mapping to Variant Calls – Version 1.0 as a guide
All to fasta Converting FASTQ, MEGA, EMBL, SAM, VCF, GenBank formats of a sequence to FASTA format.
SWalign and NWalign Main assignment: Needleman-Wunsch (NW) algorithm Max score: 100 points This is an example of another complex problem that has a rather simple solution. NW algorithm is a classical bioinformatics algorithm designed to obtain optimal global alignment for a given pair of sequences. The algorithm falls under the class of dynamic programming which in simple language is the class of algorithm that work by breaking a problem into subproblems, solving each subproblem and joining the solutions to reach the global solution. The algorithm can be divided into three steps:
- Initialization: Construction of the matrix with the two sequences as each axis and selection of a suitable scoring system. For simplicity, let’s have three types of scores: a. Match = +1 b. Mismatch = -1 c. Gap = -1
- Matrix filling: Filling the matrix based on the scoring system. This occurs one row at a time, starting from the topmost row. Each cell in the matrix derives the value from the adjacent cells located to the left, top-left or on top of the current cell. The match score is added or gap/mismatch penalty is subtracted from these adjacent cells and the maximum value is carried over to the current cell (Figure 1).
- Backtracking: Once the matrix has been filled up, backtracking is done to compute the optimal alignment(s). The backtracking step starts from the very last cell filled in the matrix (the bottom-right cell) and proceeds to the first cell filled in matrix (the cell with 0 in the upper left corner of the matrices in Figure 1). This backtrack path is computed by moving through the adjacent cells (cells to the left, top-left and on top of the current cell) with the maximum score such that the path has the maximum total score (Figure 2). If multiple paths exist, then all of them are considered to be the optimal paths. This path is converted to an alignment by the following rule: the path moves diagonally to the left if there is a match or if the maximum score of the adjacent cells is present in the diagonal left cell. If either of these are true, the two corresponding characters from each sequence are aligned together. When the maximum score is obtained by moving horizontally, then a gap is introduced in the sequence on the vertical axis, and if the path moves vertically, then a gap is introduced in the sequence on the horizontal axis. Backtracking rules:
- Always take the diagonal when the diagonal is either (1) the highest score or (2) tied for highest score
- If the diagonal is not the highest score, take the "Up" if it is either (1) the highest score or (2) tied for highest score.
- Take the "Left" if the diagonal and “Up” are not the highest For the purpose of this assignment, you will only observe a single optimal path with the above rules in the test sequences we use. You will not have to worry about multiple, optimal paths.
ReadVertical, KmerCounter , ThreeWayJoin
- K-mer counter in Python Write a script that reads in a FASTA file and a value of k and calculates the number of times each k-mer is observed within the genome. A k-mer is a sequence of length k; for example, k-mers of length 2 (k=2) for DNA are AA, AT, AG, AC, CC, CT, CG, CA, TT, TA, TG, TC, GG, GC, GT, and GA You should only report k-mers with non-zero occurrences. The output should be printed on the standard output in two, tab-separated columns. The first column should contain the k-mer sequence and the second column should be the number of times it occurs within the input sequence. Do not print any extra lines. The k-mers should be printed alphabetically (i.e., sorted based on their sequence and not on their occurrence). For the test dataset, you are given a FASTA file (NC_000913.fasta). This is the genome for E. coli K- 12 substr. We are also providing you with an output file for this genome later in the week. If your script can reproduce this output file correctly, it should work fine on other datasets too. A k-mer is a sequence of length k. If you are given a sequence AGCTTTTCA and asked to find all possible k-mers with k=5, the solution would be: AGCTT 1 CTTTT 1 GCTTT 1 TTTCA 1 TTTTC 1 Your script should take two positional arguments (k-mer size and FASTA file), do NOT use getopts or any other modules, and be named
- Read a file vertically
Your task for this question is to write a script that takes in one argument k: a column number, and print just that column on stdout (your terminal screen). For k=1, print column 1, for k=2, print column 2. If the column number does not exist in the file, then tell the user that “k” value is exceeding the file size. There is no column 0, so throw the same error for k=0. <knownGene.txt> 3. Three-way file join You are given three files: a) knownGene.txt b) kgXref.txt c) InfectiousDisease-GeneSets.txt The first two files have been downloaded from and are described in the sql files (knownGene.sql and kgXref.sql) located in the same ftp location. The third file is the result of manual curation by one of your collaborators. While the full description of the first two files can be found in the above-noted sql files, here is the information you need to answer this question: a) The knownGene.txt file is a tab-separated file that has multiple columns, but you are only interested in columns 1 (UCSC id), 2 (chromosome), 4 (transcription start position) and 5 (transcription stop position). b) The kgXref.txt file is also tab-separated, and the columns we are interested in are 1 (UCSC id) and 5 (gene name). Entries with missing information are represented as blanks within this file. Try pasting the file in Excel to see how it is formatted. Your task is to find the genomic coordinates for the genes listed in the InfectiousDisease- GeneSets.txt file. The output should be printed on the standard output in four, tab-separated columns and will look like this (tab-separated fields) Gene Chr Start Stop ACTB chr7 5566778 5570232 ACTG1 chr17 79476996 79479892 ADCY3 chr2 25042038 25142055 ADCY9 chr16 4012649 4166186 The output should be sorted alphabetically by gene name. Your script should take three positional arguments, do NOT use getopts, and be named knownGene.txt kgXref.txt InfectiousDisease-GeneSets.txt