Source Code for the Course ST0244 Programming Languages
You can clone this repository by running
$ git clone
You can create the .gitignored
file mk/
for defining your
local compilation options. See oop/Makefile
's for details. An example of
this file is the following:
$ cat mk/
CXX_AUX := g++-12
CXXFLAGS_AUX := -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c++23
Assembler files were tested with
$ nasm --version NASM version 2.16.01
C++ files were tested with
$ g++-13 --version g++-13 (Ubuntu 13.1.0-8ubuntu1~22.04) 13.1.0
Haskell files were tested with
$ ghc --version The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.6.3
Java files were tested with
$ javac --version javac 21.0.1 $ java --version openjdk 21.0.1 2023-10-17
Pascal files were tested with Free Pascal Compiler
$ fpc -iV 3.2.2
Prolog files were tested with
$ swipl --version SWI-Prolog version 9.0.4 for x86_64-linux
Python files were tested with
$ python --version Python 3.10.12
Scheme files were tested with
$ mit-scheme --version MIT/GNU Scheme 12.1
Smalltalk files were tested with
$ gst --version GNU Smalltalk version 3.2.5
Standard ML files were tested with
$ mlton MLton 20210117