The "Symfony Demo Application" is a reference application created to show how to develop Symfony applications following the recommended best practices.
- PHP 5.5.9 or higher;
- PDO-SQLite PHP extension enabled;
- and the usual Symfony application requirements.
If unsure about meeting these requirements, download the demo application and
browse the http://localhost:8000/config.php
script to get more detailed
First, install the Symfony Installer if you haven't already. Then, install the Symfony Demo Application executing this command anywhere in your system:
$ symfony demo
# if you're using Windows:
$ php symfony demo
If the demo
command is not available, update your Symfony Installer to the
most recent version executing the symfony self-update
If you can't use the Symfony Installer, download and install the demo application using Git and Composer:
$ git clone $ cd symfony-demo/ $ composer install --no-interaction
There is no need to configure a virtual host in your web server to access the application. Just use the built-in web server:
$ cd symfony-demo/
$ php bin/console server:run
This command will start a web server for the Symfony application. Now you can
access the application in your browser at http://localhost:8000. You can
stop the built-in web server by pressing Ctrl + C
while you're in the
If you want to use a fully-featured web server (like Nginx or Apache) to run Symfony Demo application, configure it to point at the
directory of the project. For more details, see:
The current Symfony Demo application uses Symfony 3.x version. If you want to
use the legacy Symfony 2.8 version, clone the Git repository and checkout the
tag, which is the last one compatible with Symfony 2.8:
$ git clone
$ cd symfony-demo/
$ git checkout tags/v0.8.4 -b v0.8.4
$ composer install