CMakeLists.txt file generator
gen-cmake [options]
-h show this message
-t <type>, --type=<type> generate project with <type>. Supported types:
app - generate execurable application
shared - generate dynamically linked library
static - generate archives of object files
-n <name>, --name=<name> project name
-s <standard>, --standard=<standard> C++ standard. C++11 is used by default
available options are: 03, 11, 14
-p <package1,package2,packageN>, --packages=<package1,package2,packageN> comma separated
list of libraries to link with
Example (will generate CMakeLists.txt with C++11 and BOOST libray linkage):
> python3 -t app -n test_app -s 11 -p boost
NOTE: not tested on Windows.