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Knemm is a tool and library intended for DB schema administration, manipulation and inspection, for relational (SQL) databases. It can be used both as a standalone CLI tool and as a Node.js dependency for an app that wants to manage its DB schema in a declarative way. It relies largely on the Knex.js library for connecting with and executing generated queries.

STATUS: knemm is still in early development. The most central concepts (claims, states, modules) and basic commands should remain stable. Features and details are very much still stabilizing. Feedback and contribution is welcome.



This file is an overview, an introduction. For per topic documentation - go here.



Install with:

$ npm i --global knemm

Now there should be two new commands available:

  • knemm: This is the main command to manage DB schema.
  • knedb: This is a companion command to handle/create/drop databases.

Interfaces for PostgresQL (pg), MariaDB / MySQL and Sqlite3 are enabled by default in the package.

Via git repo

Clone this repository. Then run npm install. After that, build the TypeScript sources, using tsc. Then there should be a global command knemm available in the terminal. (Try npm link if NPM has not generated exec stubs).

Launchers in package.json

knemm is compiled as an ESM module. Because of Node internals, it needs an extra launch step (via bin scripts in package.json). By default this goes via a Bash script. But it can also be launched via a JS launcher, through another bin script: knemm_jsl (which would work also under Windows).


Knemm uses a declarative YAML (or JSON) syntax (termed a claim), specifying what tables should exist and what is expected of named columns. A claim gives a minimum requirement that a database (or a collection of other claims - a state) should satisfy.

Here's what a claim, stored in a file Person_1.yaml, can look like:

  branch: Person
  version: 1
            data_type: int
            is_primary_key: true
            has_auto_increment: true
            data_type: varchar
            max_length: 255
            is_unique: true 
            data_type: varchar
            max_length: 64

or equivalently in hrc format:

id: Person_1 
        id: int pk auto_inc
        email: varchar(255) unique
        first_name: varchar(64)

The first format is called internal and is always used internally when comparing, processing and merging claims. The second format - hrc - is used for compact notation - when reading / writing files. A correctly formed claim can be converted back and forth between these two formats, without loss, so for practical purposes, they are interchangeable. (hrc stands for: human readable compact form.)

CLI Example

The first YAML source above will be processed (merged) by the command join:

$ knemm join Person_1.yaml 
  id: int pk auto_inc
  email: varchar(255) unique
  first_name: varchar(64)

The command reads the single input claim (in internal format), merged it into an empty state and printed it back in hrc format. Can we convert it back to internal form?

$ knemm join Person_1.yaml | knemm join -i - 
  ___owner: STDIN
    data_type: int
    is_primary_key: true
    has_auto_increment: true
    max_length: 255
    data_type: varchar
    is_unique: true
    max_length: 64
    data_type: varchar

Yes, we could, by piping the output to another knemm, specifying -i (generate output in internal format) - and specifying STDIN as the source for the claim (via the last -). Since the first command stripped away the claim ID, knemm has added STDIN as the ID of the claim.

Claims on the same branch

In the YAML above, your see that the ID of it is Person_1. Say that we want to add a column second_name to the table, then we can create a second claim:

id: Person_2 
        second_name: varchar(64)

Claims on the same branch are always merged sequentially, so a higher version number can do one or more of:

  • Adding tables/columns to the branch
  • Modifying previously declared properties - in this branch
  • Dropping / removing tables (or columns) - also on the same branch

Same branch - Example

We store below in a file Person_2.yaml:

    second_name: varchar(64)

Then we can merge the two claims:

$ knemm join Person_1.yaml Person_2.yaml 
  id: int pk auto_inc
  email: varchar(255) unique
  first_name: varchar(64)
  second_name: varchar(64)

Actually we don't have to specify each claim it should use. It suffices that we specify the highest versioned claim on each branch:

$ knemm join Person_2.yaml 
   # ... same as above

knemm understands by itself that it should use Person_1 as a dependency, if found.

Claim invariability

The idea of putting changes in new (higher versioned) claim files (instead of just editing the previous claim file) is that the first claim might already be distributed and applied on existing databases.

So one should really only edit a claim file before it has been deployed somewhere.

Invariability - Example

We realize that some emails addresses can be very long. So we would like to have a TEXT column there, instead of the VARCHAR. We add a new claim - Person_3.yaml:

    email: text

Then we can merge the two claims:

$ knemm join Person_3.yaml 
  id: int pk auto_inc
  email: text unique
  first_name: varchar(64)
  second_name: varchar(64)

As you see, we only modified the data type of email. The unique property was declared before, and it just remained there:

knemm aims at fulfilling each claim with the smallest possible modification.

Claims used for migration

The knemm workflow just specifies what we want a certain part of the database to fulfill at a given moment. This differs from much schema management in which each migration step has two points:

  • Exactly what the database should be before - A
  • Exactly what the database is like after - B

Now, claims in knemm say nothing about what the database should look like before the claim is tested and applied. If the database already fulfills the claim, then nothing is done. If say a column already exists (say as a tinyint) and the claim wants and int, then the column is widened. If the column is a bigint, then it more than fulfills the claim, and it is kept as such.

A bit more formally, often in migration, this is the model:

  • Before: A === DB state
  • After: B === DB state

(With A being the outcome of the previous migration step, B the target of the current state).

With knemm it is relaxed/simplified to:

  • After: B <= DB state

With knemm we say that after applying the claim, the database satisifies that claim.


So far we have specified claims as inputs and had knemm check and merge them and then print the result to stdout. However, if we have an application, we likely want to store its DB schema more persistently. To achieve this, we can specify a state directory, via -s to knemm:

$ knemm join -s person-app Person_3.yaml 
# Same output as before 
$ ls person-app 
Person_1.yaml  Person_2.yaml  Person_3.yaml  ___merge.yaml

So we got a directory created and a file ___merge.yaml created there. And each claim that was used to build it was copied here. You can inspect the generated file ___merge.yaml in a text viewer. It contains the merge and a couple of internal properties has been added to it. Keep in mind:

___merge.yaml is automatically generated and should not be manually edited.

Now if we (later) want to inspect a given state, we can run:

$ knemm join -s person-app 
# ... we get the full table state printed out here

The purpose of states

Maybe you see now that knemm primarily builds and manages JSON trees representing database requirements. Claims are usually not applied directly to databases.

The key to why this works is that every database schema can be converted into a state (a YAML/JSON tree). And from there we can process, compare and generate diffs. These diffs can then be applied back on an actual DB.

Database to state - an example

We start by creating a database, using the knedb helper (here a Postgres DB):

$ knedb create me?my_pass@pg PersonTest
Database <PersonTest> on client type <pg> was created.

Then, in a PSQL prompt, run this SQL on the newly created DB:

> CREATE TABLE person (id serial primary key, email text unique);

We exit PSQL. Then let's see that as a state:

$ knemm join me?my_pass@pg:PersonTest
  id: int pk auto_inc
  email: text

Since we now have two states, we can do a diff, from the DB to the target merge:

$ knemm diff arst?15392holo@pg:PT1 ./person-app/
    data_type: varchar
    max_length: 64
    max_length: 64
    data_type: varchar

In PSQL we never created the columns first_name, second_name, and knemm detects this, and generates the needed change as a diff (in internal format).

A state can refer to either a ___merge.yaml stored in a state dir, or a state directly generated from a DB schema (as above), or as the output from a knemm join command.

States and Databases

It can be noted that a given DB can either lag behind the merge state, it can be in sync with it, or even ahead of it. None of these are wrong. They are just states and differences.

Branches / modules

Branch and module mean the same thing. In terms of syntax it is simply the name put there in the claim ID. From the apps point of view, module is the better name, as what it allows for is to have several concurrent flows of migrations - representing loosely coupled software modules.

One module (say sales-order) is the primary authority on the tables and columns it declares itself. But... it can depend on tables and columns from other modules (say catalog-product) and specify minimum database requirements it needs from that other module.

Knemm will then check those requirements, and either the combination works out just fine, or it fails, and we get a clear error message when attempting to merge / apply a given claim.

So we have a declarative way of letting loosely coupled software modules depend on each other, and to know beforehand if their database expectations will work out - or not.

The two 'm':s in Knemm stands for - multi-migrations. That is, several connected flows of DB migrations, connected with dependency points and explicit schema expectations.

An example - with modules

Say we want to be able to classify persons in various groups (like client, supplier, contractor, ...). Obviously one group can have many persons, but say that for our example, a person can only be in one group. To demonstrate module functionality, we do this with a person_group module, that depends on person:

id: PersonGroup_1
    ___version: 2   # We don't need anything from Person_3
      id: int pk     # We say we need 'int' at least, and they need to be primary keys
      first_name: varchar   # We say the name should be some string. We can accept any length.
      second_name: varchar  # Same
      email: unique         # Here 'email' is a typeless ref. We say we want it unique, that's all. 
    # This is a new table of ours 
      id: int pk auto_inc
      name: varchar(255)
    # A new field in an existing table
      group_id: int foreign_key(group,id)  # A new column, a foreign key, to the table declared above.

The exact requirements the module PersonGroup wants from Person are given under the depends section above. Then comes a new table (group) and we also declare our own column in the person table.

We will implement this differently below, directly in the person module. Both approaches are valid, but since the functionality is quite generic, it fits well to implement it directly there.

Why the reference properties ?

Above, we say the PersonGroup expects data types on columns in Person to be fulfilled (and some additional property). Why do we do this? After all the columns are declared in Person_1 (or Person_2)?

Well, if the module Person later decides to modify or drop some of the columns that PersonGroup depends on, then we would not know of that - and fail at runtime. With explicitely saying exactly what one module wants from another one, we get a way to clearly and directly know of this, when the claim causing the issue is installed (upgraded) within the application.

Actually, as long as another module has a reference on a column in another module, that module can only modify its column in minor ways - and it cannot drop it.

An e-commerce example - with modules

A bit more complex example is that of a simple e-commerce backend. It will consist of these loosely coupled modules:

  • person
  • catalog_product
  • group_price
  • quote_order

The person module does not need to know anything of e-commerce, it just is a table of simple person data - in our case for a customer. From the point of view of e-commerce, the only requirement is that has an unique id field, a name column and an email field.

The catalog_product module in turn does not depend on the concept of persons or sales. In theory it could just be a simple database of products in categories. It doesn't "know" it is being used for sales.

The group_price allows for setting different product prices for customers of groups (like private, retailer, contractor, ...).

The quote_order module binds it all together. This module depends on (and builds on) all the previous ones.


For person we can simply reuse our claims from above (Person_1.yaml, Person_2.yaml, Person_3.yaml).


For catalog_product we create the claim CatalogProduct_1.yaml:

id: CatalogProduct_1 
      id: int pk auto_inc
      name: varchar(255)
      parent_id: int foreign_key(category,id)  # The parent category ID
      id: int pk auto_inc
      sku: varchar(255) unique not_null
      name: varchar(255)
      price: double not_null
      category_id: int foreign_key(category,id)  # In what category the product is shown 


For group_price we want to create customer (person) groups, with labels. We want to expand the previous approach, and enable a person to belong to several groups (which requires a dedicated table). On closer thought, this is quite a generic concept, and it can be useful to implement it directly in the Person module. We make the 4:th claim in the Person module:

id: Person_4
      id: int pk auto_inc
      name: varchar(255)
      person_id: int foreign_key(person,id)  # In this way, the person can be in 0,1 or 2+ groups 
      group_id: int foreign_key(group,id)  

For the group price, we do need our own module, since that functionality build on both the Person and the CatalogProduct modules:

id: GroupPrice_1 

    ___version: 1
    # This is a table ref to CatalogProduct :
    product: # Below three columns are our explicit dependencies for products 
      id: int pk            # We need the ID to be unique integers 
      sku: varchar unique   # varchar (with no length) is the simplest string datatype. 
      price: float          # float is enough for us, it allows for double or decimal as well
    ___version: 4
    # We depend on the group table in Person: 
    group: # Below two columns are our explicit dependencies for the group functionality 
      id: int pk  
      name: varchar

    # This is a table being declared in this module
      group_id: int foreign_key(group,id)
      product_id: int foreign_key(product,id)
      price: double not_null 


An order is an object tied to a customer (person) with order rows. Each such row refers to a product, it has a quantity field, and a row_price field.

Quotes (or carts) are very similar to orders, only that they have not yet been placed. We can use a boolean flag for that. Here is an implementation:

id: QuoteOrder_1 

    ___version: 1
    # QuoteOrder needs to access these fields in group_price:   
      group_id: int
      product_id: int
      price: double not_null 
    # Since Person is a dependency of GroupPrice, it is automatically pulled in:
      id: int pk
    group: # Below two columns are our explicit dependencies for the group functionality 
      id: int pk  
      name: varchar
    # Since CatalogProduct is also a dependency of GroupPrice, it is automatically pulled in:
      id: int pk 
      sku: varchar unique
      price: float

    # These are tables being declared in this module 
      id: int pk auto_inc  
      person_id: int foreign_key(person,id)
      email: text
      total_price: double 
      is_order: boolean     # This field separates placed orders from quotes 
      is_paid: boolean      # Payed or not ? 
      is_shipped: boolean   # Shipped or not ? 
      quote_id: int foreign_key(quote,id)  # The quote that this row belongs to 
      product_sku: varchar(255)   # It is a reference to the product column, but we don't make it a FK
      qty: int not_null
      row_price: double 

Tying it all together

Since the module dependencies are all expressed within depends sections, we can generate a state simply by giving the top-most claim:

$ knemm join -s ecomm-backend QuoteOrder_1.yaml 
# It generates the state to stdout ... 
$ ls ecomm-backend/ 
CatalogProduct_1.yaml  Person_1.yaml  Person_3.yaml  QuoteOrder_1.yaml
GroupPrice_1.yaml      Person_2.yaml  Person_4.yaml  ___merge.yaml

Let's create a database and generate this schema in it:

$ knedb create me?my_pass@pg:ecomm_backend :
Database <ecomm_backend> on client type <pg> was created.
$ knemm connect -s ecomm-backend/ me?my_pass@pg:ecomm_backend  
State in <ecomm-backend/> was connected to DB info in <me?my_pass@pg:ecomm_backend>
$ knemm apply -s ecomm-backend 
apply - DB synced with existing state

The connect command above associates a given state with a particular database (so we don't have to keep re-entering the database connection string).

Lastly lets check in PSQL that the tables were generated:

$ psql 
psql (12.6 (Ubuntu 12.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1))
Type "help" for help.

arst=# \c ecomm_backend 
You are now connected to database "ecomm_backend" as user "arst".
ecomm_backend=# \dt 
           List of relations
 Schema |     Name     | Type  | Owner 
 public | category     | table | arst
 public | group        | table | arst
 public | group_price  | table | arst
 public | person       | table | arst
 public | person_group | table | arst
 public | product      | table | arst
 public | quote        | table | arst
 public | quote_item   | table | arst
(8 rows)


And lets look at two of the created tables:

ecomm_backend-# \d+ group_price   
                                      Table "public.group_price"
   Column   |       Type       | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description 
 group_id   | integer          |           |          |         | plain   |              | 
 product_id | integer          |           |          |         | plain   |              | 
 price      | double precision |           | not null |         | plain   |              | 
Foreign-key constraints:
    "group_price_group_id_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES "group"(id)
    "group_price_product_id_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES product(id)
Access method: heap

ecomm_backend-# \d+ quote_item   
                                           Table "public.quote_item"
   Column    |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 quote_id    | integer                |           |          |         | plain    |              | 
 product_sku | character varying(255) |           |          |         | extended |              | 
 qty         | integer                |           | not null |         | plain    |              | 
 row_price   | double precision       |           |          |         | plain    |              | 
Foreign-key constraints:
    "quote_item_quote_id_foreign" FOREIGN KEY (quote_id) REFERENCES quote(id)
Access method: heap

It looks like it worked !


Knex multi migrations






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