pip install -r requirements.txt
to intall libraries used in the project.
- Capstone-Proposal.ipynb - is the notebook where capstone proposal is written.
- Base_Line.ipynb - logistic regression and random guess applied to the data set.
- Data_Exploration.ipynb - data exploration and visualizatin notebook
- Data_Merging.ipynb - merging of all files into single file data set
- isolation_forest_outliers.npy - isolation forest applied to data set to detect possible outliers
- Lightgbm.ipynb - Lightgbm algorithm application
Use to analyze data, see visulizations, anomalies, etc.
To build base line it's needed to extract features first, for that there is Feature_Extraction.ipynb, it pre-process data using basics techniques and save tran and test joblibs. After that it's possible to build base line.
This is optional step to find outliers using isolation forest algorithm.
Run this notebook to merge files into single train and test csv's. This step is neccessary to run Lightgbm notebook.
Run this notebook to train and get results using Lightgbm algorithm. It saves submission for kaggle at the end.
Data set is hosted on kaggle platform. To download it follow this link and accept 'Terms and Conditions' of the project and use download button or kaggle command line tool to download files:
kaggle competitions download -c home-credit-default-risk
kaggle competitions submit -c home-credit-default-risk -f submission.csv -m "Message"