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astilog goal is to provide an implementation of astilog.CompleteLogger interface while restricting dependencies to astilog only.

It doesn't provide a global logger anymore since it should be a project-based decision and libs need an instance of astilog.CompleteLogger provided to them anyway.

It doesn't use logrus anymore since most of its features were not used. As a result astilog is now much simpler and quicker since it only implements a subset of logrus features.


Run the following command:

$ go get


Create a logger using explicit configuration

// Create logger
l := astilog.New(astilog.Configuration{
    AppName: "myapp",
    Format: astilog.FormatText,
    Level: astilog.LevelWarn,
    Out: astilog.OutStderr,
    Source: true,

// Make sure to close the logger properly
defer l.Close()

Create a logger using flags only

// Parse flags

// Create logger
l := astilog.NewFromFlags()

// Make sure to close the logger properly
defer l.Close()

Log stuff

l.Debug("this is a log message")
l.Infof("this is a %s message", "log")

Log stuff using the context

// Add field to the context
ctx = astilog.ContextWithField(ctx, "key", "value")

// Log with context
l.DebugC(ctx, "this is a log message")
l.InfoCf(ctx, "this is a %s message", "log")

Add fields

    "k1": "v1",
    "k2": "v2",


Log to file

Set the Filename option to your file path.

Log to syslog

Set the Out option to syslog or astilog.OutSyslog if you're setting it in GO.

Log to stderr

Set the Out option to stderr or astilog.OutStderr if you're setting it in GO.

Log to stdout

Set the Out option to stdout or astilog.OutStdout if you're setting it in GO.



Set the Format option to text or astilog.FormatText.


Set the Format option to json or astilog.FormatJSON.

Extra options

App name

Set the AppName option with your app name to see it in the logs.

Message key

Set the MessageKey option with your key to update the json key for the message field. Default is msg.


Set the Source option to true to see the file:line that called the log function.

Timestamp format

Set the TimestampFormat option with your time format. If left empty, the duration since the beginning of the run will be logged.


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