Replace i18n translation keys with their values during compilation using babel.
Supports flat and nested translation keys.
// application code
__t('greet.user', { name: })
// compile-time generated code
translations.interpolate('Hello, %{name}', { name: })
// interpolation function to replace interpolation arguments at run-time
// you will have to define it and can skip it if no interpolation is required
// interpolates translation text at runtime
export const interpolate = (string, options) => {
if (!options) return string;
// support pluralization
const replacement = string.startsWith('pluralize_##_')
? pluralize(JSON.parse(string.split('_##_')[1]), options.count)
: string;
return Object.keys(options).reduce(
(result, key) => result.replace(`%{${key}}`, options[key]),
// run-time result
'Hello, John'
Check out example in webpack-integration example.
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-i18n-replace
Checkout tests for usage examples.
alias (string)
- function name to matchrelpaceWith (string)
- function name to replace withreturnKeyOnMissing (boolean)
- when translation key not found, use the key for valueallowStructures (boolean)
- allow numbers, hashes, etc instead of only strings as values - those will be converted to JSON stringstranslations (object)
- translations map
Checkout example application. It illustrates full application setup reading translations from json files and providing run-time interpolation support.
require('babel').transform('code', {
plugins: [
'i18n-replace', {
alias: '__t',
replaceWith: 'interpolate',
returnKeyOnMissing: false,
translations: {
'': 'User is %{name}.',
'user.surname': 'Surname'
"plugins": [
"i18n-replace", {
"alias": "__t",
"replaceWith": "interpolate",
"returnKeyOnMissing": false,
"translations": {
"": "User is %{name}.",
"user.surname": "Surname"
If you want to read translations from file, use webpack configuration.
Work with allowStructures: false
Imagine we have the following pluralization keys:
"likes": {
"one": "%{name} has %{count} like.",
"other": "%{name} has %{count} likes."
We can determine run-time only which of these translations should be used,
so the plugin returns pluralize_##_{json_pluralization_options}
'pluralize_##_{"likes":{"one":"%{name} has %{count} like.","other":"%{name} has %{count} likes."}}'
Your interpolation function should handle this. See example application.
New translations are only picked up on webpack server start as those are provided in webpack config.
Translation keys have to be static strings, as those are replaced with translated text compile-time. Interpolation (e.g. replacing
with current user name) should be performed run-time. This is achieved by replacing translation alias with an interpolation function.