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Brett M. Morris edited this page Jun 15, 2015 · 19 revisions

This page will host a tutorial on how to submit to astroDJC. It's currently still in development, and will soon be filled with screenshots.

How to suggest a post to astroDJC from your browser (the terse version)

How to suggest a post to astroDJC from your browser (the verbose version)

  • First, create or sign in to your GitHub account. They're free and take 30 seconds to make.

  • There is a template post for you to edit and fill with your content. To edit it, click into the merged_posts directory in the suggestedposts repository, and click on the template file That's the source for the template written in a styling language called markdown which makes it easy for you to embed links, make bullets, etc, without knowing HTML. Click "Raw" in the upper right corner of the page, and copy and paste the template text.

  • Go back to the merged_posts directory, and click the plus + icon above the blue bar, next to suggestedposts/merged_posts/+. This will enable you to make a new file, which you should paste the contents of into.

Create post button

  • Make changes to the file and fill it with your content! You can preview your changes to see what the post will look like by clicking the Preview changes tab towards the top left of the screen.

  • At the top of the file you must name of the document. For now, the format will be your name and the date, with no spaces. For example, if I was to make a post at the time of writing this tutorial (June 8, 2015), I would name my file If you've done multiple posts today, add letters after the date, i.e.,

Edit contents

  • Once you have finished making changes and you like the way your post looks, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green Propose New File button. This will save your updated version of the file in a place associated with your GitHub account, but it won't yet let us know that you're ready for us to look at your suggested post. For those who are comfortable with Git-language, this will give you a fork of the suggestedposts repository.

  • Then to send us your suggested post, click the green Pull Request button near the top left of the page. On the new page you're brought to, you can leave notes about the changes you made in the comment box at the bottom of the page. Once you're ready, click the green Create Pull Request button and you're done!

  • We'll review the content of the suggested post and collaborate on preparing it for the blog, before posting it. Responses to your pull request should send you email notifications.

Need help?

If you're ready to submit some content but have trouble doing any of the above steps, there are a bunch of ways to move forward, including:

  • Go to our Issues page and create a New Issue describing the problem.
  • Email Brett at bmmorris at
  • Tweet at Brett.

How to stay involved

Check out this GitHub Guide Be Social on how to get updates on changes to this repository and more!

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