So that I can scrape a useful catalogue of product data from gap.com with colour and size information As a Gapnabbing chap I can run a script passing in a url and produce portable, serialised data expressing the above catalogue
ruby jruby
Gems celerity yaml
Usage: ./gapnabber [options]
-u, --url U Nab from the specified url
-h, --help Display this screen
- Parses a url, goes to it and grabs a list of urls from the page - seems to work on all GAP category pages
- Gets Product name and id for a product, and the list of colours/prices it is available in
- Serialises data to yaml
- Javascript, which means no sizes. Or size chart popup.
- Fork product data loop for speed - this would need some abstraction work, jruby does not support fork (unsafe, apparently)
- Tidy up yaml, newlines all over the place and special characters galore. Also, id/name should be first after the index field
- Add a 'quiet' option to suppress the browsing output