The content crawler that supplies Learn Astropy's web search.
Usage: astropylibrarian [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Manage the content index for the Learn Astropy project. Astropy Librarian helps you work with the Algolia index that powers the content listing and search for Learn Astropy, Astropy Librarian is developed at astropy-librarian Options: -v, --verbose Verbose output. Use -v for info-type logging and -vv for debug-level logging. [default: 0] --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Install completion for the specified shell. --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: delete Delete Algolia records. index Content indexing commands.
Usage: astropylibrarian index tutorial [OPTIONS] URL Index a single tutorial. Arguments: URL URL for a tutorial. [required] Options: --algolia-id TEXT Algolia app ID. [env var: ALGOLIA_ID; required] --algolia-key TEXT Algolia API key. [env var: ALGOLIA_KEY; required] --index TEXT Name of the Algolia index. [env var: ALGOLIA_INDEX; required] --priority INTEGER Priority for default sorting (higher numbers appear first) [default: 0] --path PATH Local path of tutorial HTML, if available. --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: astropylibrarian index tutorial-site [OPTIONS] SITE_DIR URL Index a directory of tutorial HTML files. This command is useful for automated CI workflows. The site_dir argument is the directory of tutorials built by nbcollection and url is the root URL where these tutorials are published on the web. This command indexes each HTML file as a tutorial, except for those with paths specified in the --ignore argument. The root index.html file is always ignored. Arguments: SITE_DIR Local path tutorial build directory [required] URL Base URL for tutorials. [required] Options: --algolia-id TEXT Algolia app ID. [env var: ALGOLIA_ID; required] --algolia-key TEXT Algolia API key. [env var: ALGOLIA_KEY; required] --index TEXT Name of the Algolia index. [env var: ALGOLIA_INDEX; required] --ignore TEXT List of HTML files to ignore from indexing. The root index.html file is always excluded. [default: (dynamic)] --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: astropylibrarian index guide [OPTIONS] URL Index a guide. Arguments: URL Root URL for a guide. [required] Options: --algolia-id TEXT Algolia app ID. [env var: ALGOLIA_ID; required] --algolia-key TEXT Algolia API key. [env var: ALGOLIA_KEY; required] --index TEXT Name of the Algolia index. [env var: ALGOLIA_INDEX; required] --priority INTEGER Priority for default sorting (higher numbers appear first) [default: 0] --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: astropylibrarian delete [OPTIONS] URL Delete Algolia records. Arguments: URL Root URL to delete [required] Options: --algolia-id TEXT Algolia app ID. [env var: ALGOLIA_ID; required] --algolia-key TEXT Algolia API key. [env var: ALGOLIA_KEY; required] --index TEXT Name of the Algolia index. [env var: ALGOLIA_INDEX; required] --help Show this message and exit.
Before developing learn-astropy-librarian, set up a new Python virtual environment. Then, install the application with development dependencies:
make init
This command installs pre-commit hooks for code linting, installs tox, resets the tox environment, and installs the package itself.
You can run all tests through tox_:
You can also run tox environments individually:
tox -e py
runs unit tests with Pytest.tox -e lint
runs code linters (such as flake8 and pre-commit).tox -e typing
runs mypy to check type annotations.