netsDB is built on top of an earlier version of the open source project PlinyCompute (
clang/llvm/build-essential: sudo apt install clang llvm build-essential (LLVM/clang++3.8 or above)
Snappy: libsnappy1v5, libsnappy-dev
GSL: libgsl-dev
Boost: libboost-dev, libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-system-dev
OS: Ubuntu-16, MacOS, Ubuntu-20, Ubuntu-22
By default, the code is using direct I/O. If your computer doesn't support direct I/O, please disable it by setting usingDirect = false in
python scripts/ #numThreads #sharedMemPoolSize (MB)
Step (1) Download netsDB code from github to the Master server, configure PDB_HOME to be the github repository. For example, you can:
- edit ~/.bashrc, and add following to that file: export PDB_HOME=/home/ubuntu/netsDB
Here /home/ubuntu/netsDB should be replaced by the path to the github repository
Step (2) Configure PDB_INSTALL to be the location that you want pangea to be installed at on the workers. For example, you might add the following to .basrc:
export PDB_INSTALL=/disk1/netsDB
Here /disk1/netsDB should be the path to the directory where you want the binary and code to be copied to, and where data will be stored.
Make sure that the user that runs the program has authorization to read/write/create in this directory
After Step (1) and (2), run `source ~/.bashrc' in shell to make sure these variables are set.
Step (3) Find one or more servers as your Workers, make sure those Workers can be accessed by Master through network and vice versa, and also make sure you have only one PEM file to log on to all slaves. Then add only IPs of those slaves to the file: $PDB_HOME/conf/serverlist. For example, my serverlist looks like following:
Step (4) On the master server, install the cluster by run:
scripts/ $pem_file
On the Master server:
Step (1)
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_file
wait for the scripts to return (see something like "master is started!" in the end), and move to step 2.3:
Step (2) : run following command:
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_file $MasterIPAddress $ThreadNumber (optional, default is 4) $SharedMemSize (optional, unit MB, default is 4096)
wait for the scripts to return (see something like "servers are started!" in the end).
After the cluster is started, you can run your application.
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_file
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_filex scripts/ $pem_file scripts/ $pem_file $MasterIPAddress $ThreadNum $SharedMemoryPoolSize
Upgrade Cluster (for developers and testers upgrade binaries and restart cluster with all data kept)
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_file scripts/ $pem_file scripts/ $pem_file scripts/ $pem_file $MasterIPAddress $ThreadNum $SharedMemoryPoolSize
You can cleanup all catalog and storage data by running following command in master
cd $PDB_HOME scripts/ $pem_file
by default, it is defined to be "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
if you define it to non empty like "y" or "yes", it will run as before and bring all output to your ssh terminal;
by default, it is not defined, and it will run in background using nohup, which means it will not be interrupted by ssh.