This repository is a drupal root for ASU Digital Repository built using Islandora. (Islandora Documentation)
For development purposes, this repository should be integrated with the islandora provided vagrant environment.
It will also include ansible scripts for provisioning and deploying to additional environments.
The site uses the config_split module to separate out deployment-specific configurations and secrets. The base configurations for KEEP and PRISM are in config/sync
and config/prism
, respectively. Each also has site-specific configuration directories, config/env_keep
and config/env_prism
which are not included in the Git repository and need to be added manually. You can view the config_split configuration files for KEEP and PRISM to see what is currently included.
Two other splits, "Development Config" and "AWS Deployment", need to be enabled using the sites' settings.php file. E.g. for AWS deployment, add $config['config_split.config_split.aws_deployment']['status'] = TRUE;
Most of the configurations for both of these are included in the Git repository. The one exception, in AWS Deployment, is smtp.settings.yml
needs to be added manually. E.g.
smtp_on: true
smtp_host: FILL IN HOST
smtp_hostbackup: ''
smtp_port: 'FILL IN PORT'
smtp_protocol: tls
smtp_autotls: true
smtp_timeout: 60
smtp_username: FILL IN USERNAME
smtp_password: FILL IN PASSWORD
smtp_fromname: 'ASU Digital Repository'
smtp_client_hostname: ''
smtp_client_helo: ''
smtp_allowhtml: '1'
smtp_test_address: ''
smtp_debugging: false
prev_mail_system: php_mail
smtp_keepalive: false
- Install dependencies
a. VirtualBox version 5.whatever (not 6.0)
b. Vagrant (tested up to version 2.1.2)
c. git
d. ansible
e. vagrant vbguest plugin (
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
) - Go to the ASU claw-playbook repo
- Clone ASU claw-playbook
- cd into claw-playbook
- Make a file called in your user root called .asurepo_vault_pass and get it from the lastpass. (this is the password for decrypting ansible vault stuff which will allow you to deploy to create and encrypt files)
- Run
vagrant up
(from within the claw-playbook root) - it will default to using the asurepo basebox (modelled after the islandora/8 base box idea). If you want to run the build explicitly (via ansible), change the ISLANDORA_DISTRO likeISLANDORA_DISTRO="ubuntu/bionic64" vagrant up
- This repo will be available inside the vagrant VM as
- Make sure composer modules are up to date
composer install
- make sure submodules are ready
git submodule init
andgit submodule update
- If you want the ASU specific config, cd into
and rundrupal config:import --directory /var/www/html/drupal/config/sync
- Depending on the environment - do a config import of that environment like
drush config:import --partial --source /var/www/html/drupal/config/dev
If you are using the ASU basebox option and want to spin a new box, then you can simply run vagrant up
and skip all of the following steps about composer installing and updating modules and database stuff because that will be a fully up to date box (assuming Eli has kept it up to date).
Another thing worth noting is that a new basebox will need to be updated with vagrant box update
- note that box updates can only be performed on new installs or destroyed VMs (not on halted/suspended VMs).
Note: I only have gotten this working on my local machine, not the vagrant environment yet.-dlf
- node.js
(if you do not have node, do
sudo apt update
andcurl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt install npm
- cd into
- Install gulp with
npm install --global gulp-cli
- Install yarn with
npm install --global yarn
- add
to your~/.npmrc
- run
npm adduser --registry
and make a user - Install dependencies including Bootstrap latest version:
yarn install
- cd into the theme then
andnpm install
- Update
with your local URL
proxy: 'http://localhost:8000/',
9). Run gulp
"This will generate a style.css file with mappings for debugging and a style.min.css file for production. You will need to change the reference to the file manually on your SUBTHEME.libraries.yml file."
Instructions are from
If you've already provisioned your vagrant environment and need to re-run the ASU specific provisioning, you can do so with ansible-playbook asu-install.yml -i inventory/vagrant -l all -e ansible_ssh_user=$vagrantUser -e islandora_distro=elizoller/asurepo
Your $vagrantUser will either be ubuntu or vagrant. Check to see what user you become when you vagrant ssh
. The default playbook now uses a prebuilt base box (called elizoller/asurepo). If we want to build explicitly, we need to specify that our VM requires the ubuntu base box instead so we can customize. We do this by prefixing the ISLANDORA_DISTRO="ubuntu/bionic64"
to the front of vagrant up
and vagrant provision
If you need to update your ansible roles (to get updated versions of the packages), you mine as well rm -rf roles/external
and ISLANDORA_DISTRO="ubuntu/bionic64" vagrant provision
to fix that. This will take some time.
Understanding how drupal entities relate to fedora objects -
Get the json-ld for an object in Drupal like so : http://localhost:8000/node/1?_format=jsonld
- pull down updated code and configs (
cd /var/www/html/drupal && git pull
) - Make sure composer modules are up to date
composer install
- make sure submodules are ready
git submodule init
andgit submodule update
- drupal config:import for each site like
drush --uri=https://site-url config:import
- cd into web directory
- run database migrations for each site -
drush --uri=https://site-url updatedb
- clear drupal cache for each site -
drush --uri=https://site-url cache-rebuild
- Add the module to the composer requirements in the ASU specific ansible role
- Add the module to the drush enabling in the ASU specific ansible role
- Run the ASU specific ansible role
- To export content, go to your drupal root such as
and rundrush --uri=https://site-url cex
- To import content, go to your drupal root such as
and rundrush --uri=https://site-url cim
- To import new configurations from a different directory (such as a new migraiton), use
drush --uri=https://site-url cim --partial --source=/the/path/
Drush full command list Common Commands
drush cache-rebuild
- clear cachedrush pm:enable module_name
- enable moduledrush pm:uninstall module_name
- disable module
- To install everything from a composer.json file -
composer install
- To add a package
composer require packagename
- To update a package
composer update packagename
pip install boto boto3
- run
ansible-playbook aws_create_multiple_ec2.yml
- locally run
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- locally run
ansible-playbook -i inventory/stage playbook.yml -e "islandora_distro=ubuntu/bionic64" -e @inventory/stage/group_vars/all/passwords.yml -e @aws_keys.yml
- The approach I've taken thus far is to create 2 EC2 instances in the following breakdown:
- webserver - for the actual drupal site, cantaloupe
- services - for karaf, alpaca, crayfish, fedora, cantaloupe, blazegraph, solr
- There are two RDS databases connected as well: for drupal and fedora
- The ideal state might look something like:
- For the time being, I've set up separate security groups for each EC2 instance to allow inbound traffic on the required ports from various locations (such as ASU IPs and the other EC2 instances)
- All EC2 instances have static Elastic Block volumes associated with them (8GB each)
- The webserver also has a related S3 bucket (asulibdev-islandora-bucket) which is currently being used for islandora_bagger to send preservation bags. It has a automatic rule to push to Glacier after 30 days of inactivity.
- An RDS MYSQL instance has also been provisioned and connection is allowed to the webserver for the purpose of hosting the drupal database. In the future, additional RDS instances can be created for the gemini database, matomo database. (The Riprap database is currently being integrated with the Drupal database). You can connect to the RDS instance from the webserver EC2 instance manually like
mysql -u drupal8 -p -h --port 3306
- If configuration changes have been made, you'll need to import config/sync and then do a partial import on the config for that env
composer update drupal/module_name
(in alphabetical order)
Apache Camel middleware which listens to events emitted from Drupal and distributes them to the microservices. ASU fork is here.
A high performance graph database, aka the triplestore
A Drupal theme for Islandora, based on AdaptiveTheme
A IIIF compliant image server, written in Java
A PHP client which directly communicates with the Fedora 5 API. ASU fork is here
A virus scanning application. If you get an error in the Drupal Status report saying that it couldn't connect to ClamAV, likely the service isn't running.
- SSH to the VM
vagrant ssh
sudo service clamav-freshclam status
- If its down, restart it
sudo service clamav-freshclam restart
or if its up, proceed to the next step. Note that sometimes it needs to be up for 1 minute before proceeding to the next step. sudo service clamav-daemon status
Likely this will tell you it is down. If freshclam is running, it needs to get the updated ClamAV Virus Database (.cvd) file(s) from freshclam before the daemon can be started.sudo service clamav-daemon restart
A collection of micro-services: Gemini, Homarus, Houdini, Hypercube, Milliner, and Recast. ASU fork is here
An Islandora module that adds vocabularies and fields to allowed controlled vocabulary usage in Islandora. The most significant of these being the "linked agent" field with a custom "Typed Relation" field type.
Shared code for the Crayfish microservices
- Component which allows persistance of binary files in Drupal to actually occur in fedora
- Mapping service from Drupal UUID to Fedora URI
enable JWT Authentication Issuer module
To use any of the API endpoints or Gemini, you need a JWT token - which can be generated with a request like
curl -i -u admin:islandora http://localhost:8000/jwt/token
. ie.curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8000/gemini/4c82e5c1-73bb-402d-ab3c-e6e1d49fa9f9 \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer tokenhere' '
log file is in /opt/karaf/data/log
IIIF-compliant image viewer