This is a mock for PrismaClient
. It actually reads your schema.prisma
and generate models based on it.
It perfectly simulates Prisma's API and store everything in-memory for fast, isolated, and retry-able unit tests.
It's heavily tested, by comparing the mocked query results with real results from prisma. Tested environments include MySQL
, PostgreSQL
and MongoDB
This library can also be used as an in-memory implementation of Prisma, for reasons such as prototyping, but that's not its primary goal.
After setting up Prisma:
$ yarn add -D prismock
$ npm add --save-dev prismock
There is two options here, depending on your application architecture.
You can create a __mocks__
directory at the root of your project, with a sub-directory named @prisma
. Inside the @prisma
directory, create a client.js
file (or client.ts
for TypeScript).
Inside the client
file, you can re-export the @prisma/client
module, and replace PrismaClient
by PrismockClient
import { PrismockClient } from 'prismock';
export * from '@prisma/client';
export { PrismockClient as PrismaClient };
That's it, prisma will be mocked in all your tests (tested with Jest & ViTest)
You can mock the PrismaClient directly in your test, or setupTests (Example):
jest.mock('@prisma/client', () => {
return {
PrismaClient: jest.requireActual('prismock').PrismockClient,
You can instanciate a PrismockClient
directly and use it in your test, or pass it to a test version of your app.
import { PrismockClient } from 'prismock';
import { PrismaService } from './prisma.service';
const prismock = new PrismockClient();
const app = createApp(prismock);
Then, you will be able to write your tests as if your app was using an in-memory Prisma client.
Two additional functions are returned compared to the PrismaClient, getData
, and reset
. In some edge-case, we need to directly access, or reset, the data store management by prismock.
Most of the time, you won't need it in your test, but keep in mind they exist
const prismock = new PrismockClient();
prismock.getData(); // { user: [] }
const prismock = new PrismockClient();
prismock.reset(); // State of prismock back to its original
Feature | State |
findUnique | ✔ |
findFirst | ✔ |
findMany | ✔ |
create | ✔ |
createMany | ✔ |
delete | ✔ |
deleteMany | ✔ |
update | ✔ |
updateMany | ✔ |
upsert | ✔ |
count | ✔ |
aggregate | ✔ |
groupBy | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
distinct | ✔ |
include | ✔ |
where | ✔ |
select | ✔ |
orderBy (Partial) | ✔ |
select + count | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
create | ✔ |
createMany | ✔ |
update | ✔ |
updateMany | ✔ |
connect | ✔ |
connectOrCreate | ✔ |
upsert | ✔ |
set | ⛔ |
disconnect | ⛔ |
delete | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
equals | ✔ |
gt | ✔ |
gte | ✔ |
lt | ✔ |
lte | ✔ |
not | ✔ |
in | ✔ |
notIn | ✔ |
contains | ✔ |
startWith | ✔ |
endsWith | ✔ |
AND | ✔ |
OR | ✔ |
NOT | ✔ |
mode | ✔ |
search | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
some | ✔ |
every | ✔ |
none | ✔ |
is | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
set | ⛔ |
push | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
has | ⛔ |
hasEvery | ⛔ |
hasSome | ⛔ |
isEmpty | ⛔ |
equals | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
increment | ✔ |
decrement | ✔ |
multiply | ✔ |
divide | ✔ |
set | ✔ |
Feature | State |
path | ⛔ |
string_contains | ⛔ |
string_starts_withn | ⛔ |
string_ends_with | ⛔ |
array_contains | ⛔ |
array_starts_with | ⛔ |
array_ends_with | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
@@id | ✔ |
@default | ✔ |
@relation | ✔ |
@unique | ⛔ |
@@unique | ⛔ |
@updatedAt | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
autoincrement() | ✔ |
now() | ✔ |
uuid() | ✔ |
auto() | ✔ |
cuid() | ✔ |
dbgenerated | ⛔ |
Feature | State |
onDelete (SetNull, Cascade) | ✔ |
onDelete (Restrict, NoAction, SetDefault)() | ⛔ |
onUpdate | ⛔ |
- Complete supported features.
- Refactoring of update operation.
- Replace item formating with function composition
- Restore test on
for mongodb - Add custom client method for MongoDB (
While Prisma is amazing, its unit testing
section is treated as optional. On the other hand, it should be a priority for developers to write tests.
As I love Prisma, I decided to create this package, in order to keep using it on real-world projects.
I'm also a teacher and believe it's mandatory for students to learn about testing. I needed a similar solution for my backend course, so I created my own.
I'm personally using this library in my day-to-day activities, and add features or fix bugs depending on my needs.
If you need unsupported features or discover unwanted behaviors, feel free to open an issue, I'll take care of it.
Inspired by prisma-mock.