Expose a directory of bash scripts as an API.
Note: This application gives you plenty of bullets to shoot yourself in the foot! Please use the SSL config options, give a password file, and either whitelist access to it via a firewall or keep it on a private network.
Use the apache htpasswd utility to create your htpasswd files.
Create a directory to store the bash scripts, by default pyJoJo will be pointed at /srv/pyjojo.
Next, add a file to the directory as a test script.
In /srv/pyjojo/echo.sh:
# -- jojo --
# description: echo text on the command line
# param: text - text to echo
# -- jojo --
echo "echo'd text: $TEXT"
echo "jojo_return_value name=bob"
echo "jojo_return_value age=99"
exit 0
Make sure this script is both readable and executable by the user pyJoJo is running under. Scripts will be executed through the shell, so make sure you have a valid shebang line.
Now, start up pyJoJo and hit it with curl:
pyjojo -d --dir /srv/pyjojo
curl -XPOST http://localhost:3000/scripts/echo -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "hello world!"}'
You should see this as a response:
"retcode": 0,
"return_values": {
"age": "99",
"name": "bob"
"stderr": [],
"stdout": [
"echo'd text: hello world!"
Usage: pyjojo [options] <htpasswd>
Expose a directory of bash scripts as an API.
Note: This application gives you plenty of bullets to shoot yourself in the
foot! Please use the SSL config options, give a password file, and either
whitelist access to it via a firewall or keep it in a private network.
You can use the apache htpasswd utility to create your htpasswd files.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Start the application in debugging mode.
--dir=DIRECTORY Base directory to parse the scripts out of
--force-json Treats all calls as if they sent the 'Content-Type: application/json' header. May produce unexpected results
-p PORT, --port=PORT Set the port to listen to on startup.
-a ADDRESS, --address=ADDRESS
Set the address to listen to on startup. Can be a
hostname or an IPv4/v6 address.
-c CERTFILE, --certfile=CERTFILE
SSL Certificate File
-k KEYFILE, --keyfile=KEYFILE
SSL Private Key File
-u UNIX_SOCKET, --unix-socket=UNIX_SOCKET
Bind pyjojo to a unix domain socket
JoJo blocks are metadata about the script that pyJoJo will use to execute it. JoJo blocks are not mandatory for the script to run.
Example block:
# -- jojo --
# description: echo script
# param: text - text to echo back
# param: secret1 - sensitive text you don't want logged
# param: secret2 - more sensitive stuff
# filtered_params: secret1, secret2
# tags: test, staging
# http_method: get
# lock: False
# -- jojo --
- description: information about what a script does
- format: description: [text]
- param: specifies a parameter to the script, will be passed in as environment params, with the name in all caps. One per line.
- format: param: name [- description]
- filtered_params: specifies a list of parameters that you have already specified, but want to ensure that the values are not logged.
- format: filtered_params: item1 [,item2]
- tags: specifies a list of tags that you want displayed when querying pyjojo about scripts.
- format: tags: item1 [,item2]
- http_method: specifies the http method the script should respond to.
- format: http_method: get
- allowed_values: get|put|post|delete
- default: post
- output: specifies if the output should be 'split' into stderr and stdout or 'combined' into stdout.
- format: output: combined
- allowed_values: split|combined
- default: split
- lock: if true, only one instance of the script will be allowed to run
- format: lock: True
- default: False
Returns information about all the scripts.
GET /scripts
Optional Tag Query Parameters:
- format: ?param=tag1,tag2
- only one param type may be used per query.
- params available
- tags: only those scripts which match ALL tags will be returned
- not_tags: only those scripts which do no have ANY of the tags will be returned
- any_tags: scripts that match ANY tags will be returned
Returns list of names of all scripts
GET /script_names
Optional Tag Query Parameters:
- format: ?param=tag1,tag2
- only one param type may be used per query.
- params available
- tags: only those scripts which match ALL tags will be returned
- not_tags: only those scripts which do no have ANY of the tags will be returned
- any_tags: scripts that match ANY tags will be returned
Returns information about the specified script.
OPTIONS /scripts/{script_name}
Executes the specified script and returns the results.
POST /scripts/{script_name}
Reloads the scripts in the script directory.
POST /reload