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02. Write your first Planar Job

Tsahi Atias edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 1 revision

You can find all the below demo at Demo Folder

Step 1: Create a new console application

Choose: Console App

Name it: HelloWorldJob

Choose: .NET 6.0 (or lower dot net core version)

Step 2: Add NuGet package

Open the NuGet package manager and search for Planar.Job package. Install it

Step 3: Write code

Add new class, Name it Job, Inherit from BaseJob, Implement the abstract methods like bellow

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Planar.Job;

namespace HelloWorldJob
    public class Job : BaseJob
        public override void RegisterServices(IConfiguration configuration, IServiceCollection services, IJobExecutionContext context)

        public override void Configure(IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder, IJobExecutionContext context)

        public override async Task ExecuteJob(IJobExecutionContext context)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                Logger.LogInformation("Hello world - Round {Index}", i);
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));

Step 4: Add JobFile.yml

Add a new yml file named: JobFile.yml with the following content

job type: PlanarJob
name: HelloWorld
group: Demos
author: Jon Doh
description: Demonstrate running planar job
concurrent: false

  path: HelloWorld
  filename: HelloWorldJob.dll
  class name: HelloWorldJob.Job

simple triggers:
  - name: every-5minutes
    interval: 00:05:00

Set the property: "Copy To Output Directory" to value "Copy if newer"


Step 5: Publish the job

Click publish on the HelloWorldJob project at visual studio


The target location should be under the planar Data folder.

You can find the Data folder in the root folder where Planar is installed (or in the volume root in case of docker installation).

All jobs should be located in Jobs folder which is under the Data folder

Click image button

Step 6: Add the job to Planar and run it

Run the Planae CLI by running the command below


Type job add HelloWorld command and press Enter

If all ok you should get the job id (i.e l0f3eedrpvy) and the job is starting to run

  • Type job running to see the job in currently running jobs
  • Type history ls to see all the last history runs
  • Type history get 123 (where 123 is the id of the history instance, which you can find in the previous command)
  • Type job next l0f3eedrpvy (where l0f3eedrpvy is the job id) to see the next scheduled running
  • Type job invoke l0f3eedrpvy to immediately start run the job (if its not already running)