Launch a meme token sale on Base Network with automatic Uniswap liquidity pool deployment. All the ETH in your wallet will be used to create a liquidity pool. Then you can trade your token on Uniswap.
- Clone this repo and open it in your favorite editor
- Replace "SEED PHRASE HERE" with your seed phrase (wallet must have Base ETH) in hardhat.config.ts,
- Run these commands in the directory of the repo:
yarn install
yarn run hardhat run scripts/dynamicfee.ts --network base
You will be asked questions like name, symbol, initialSupply and then after some waiting you will be given a token address. You can search for your pair on uniswap page. 4. Profit!
If this script helped you don't hesitate to donate to 0xB763F010126f95dFF6B76A0F5F4D5f85107C2E99
Full tutorial on
- buy and sell fee (modify in the contract)
- automatic deployment to Uniswap base with all the ETH balance in your wallet
- marketing fee (goes to deployer)