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Achievo FAQ

dalers edited this page Sep 24, 2012 · 2 revisions

References to menu items or fields are given using their English or default translations. If you use a different language, the terms you see may be different.

Table of Contents

General Problems

1.1 I have a problem which is not covered in this FAQ, what should I do?

1.2 Does Achievo run on Microsoft Windows?
Yes it does. You can either run it on Apache with PHP as a module, or with Microsoft IIS running PHP as an ISAPI extension.
1.3 How can I make Achievo perform faster?
Achievo has a very powerful backend, but unfortunately the more code in an application the slower it gets. See the Performance Tuning page for specific suggestions.
Also, Achievo (and the ATK Framework) are constantly being updated to improve their speed and efficiency, and correct defects. Keeping your Achievo installation up to date is a good way of improving performance, and not only benefit from bug fixes.
1.4 Why can I save only one record? After the first record is saved, new records are no longer stored.
If you are using MySQL 4 or 5, make sure you give the LOCK TABLES privilege to the database user.
1.5 When I try to save something, I get the following error:
 Critical: .
 error: [+00.20872s / 00.00014s] Halted..." 
This can mean a number of things. Most likely are:
  • There is no database, or the setup.php script has not been run.
  • The database user is missing the 'lock tables' privilege.
If none of these are the case, set $config_debug to 2 in the file and try again. You should now get debug information surrounding the error. This might help indicate the cause. If you are unable to find it, see question 5.5 to report the problem in the forum.


2.1 I have installed Achievo, and I am getting the following error:

  Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_pconnect()
Make sure you installed MySQL, and check if you enabled MySQL (mysqli) support in PHP. If you built PHP from source, it must be compiled with MySQL (mysqli) support (check your PHP documentation for instructions on how to do this). If you installed PHP from rpms, you have to install the corresponding php-mysqli rpm.
2.2 I have installed Achievo, and I am getting the following error (or something very similar):
  Warning: open(/tmp\sess_22a61bffada1208843753014b4d6f0ac, O_RDWR) failed:<br />   No such file or directory (2) in c:\path_to_achievo\atk\session\ on line 14  
This could be caused by three things:
  • The session.save_path directory in php.ini is set to a directory that doesn't exist.
  • The directory referenced by session.save_path is not readable and writable by the webserver.
  • For some Linux distributions (SuSE 8.0 with a 2.1.19 kernel and possibly others), the default Apache user and group (nobody and Group #-1 on SuSE) should be changed. A new user and group should be created and set accordingly in the User and Group directives in httpd.conf. (See for more info)
2.3 I have installed Achievo, and I'm getting the following error:
  Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 89 bytes) in 
    /<achievo dir>/achievo-1.2.1/atk/modules/ on line 179, referer: http://<host>/achievo/setup.php?...
You need to change the memory limit in the php.ini, search for: memory_limit = 8M and change in into 64M.

Logging in to Achievo

3.1 I just installed Achievo for the first time and I try to login. What's the username and password?

The username is 'administrator', the default password is 'demo'.
3.2 How can I change the administrator password?
The administrator password is set in the file (not in the database).
3.3 I am absolutely sure I have the correct username and password, but I still can't login to Achievo. It keeps presenting the login box, no matter what I enter, or I get a "Failed to logon" message.
There are several things that could cause this behavior. Here are the known causes, in order of probability:
  • You are not using the correct username and password. (Yes, 'absolutely sure' is a relative term.) Remember that the password for 'administrator' is the one set in the file, even if you set another password in the database.
  • The login id is case-sensitive (as is the password). To make sure the user exists, view the person table in the database.
  • There could be a .htaccess file in the way. Don't put an .htaccess file in the web server's document path above the Achievo directory or it may cause the web server to prompt you to login - separate from Achievo's login.
3.4 Achievo keeps logging me out, after login I am immediately presented with a new login box.
On some PHP installations, the anti-session-highjack feature does not work. Try if setting $config_session_regenerate to false in helps.

Time Registration (timereg module)

4.1 The dropdown for 'Project/Phase' is empty, but I am sure I created projects and phases.

This is not a bug, this is a feature. The dropdown is like a 'recent documents' option most applications have. It only contains the last projects you used, so you can quickly access them. If a project you want to use is not in the dropdown, click the link 'Search all projects and phases'.
4.2 I changed the $config_timereg_allowfuture attribute in in order to allow employees to register time in the future, but when I log in to Achievo I still cannot register time in the future.
This is because the time registration configuration has been moved to file in the configs directory. Edit the setting there instead and things should work just fine.

Document Manager (docmanager module)

5.1 Why can't I view or download an uploaded file?

Check that the file mode (permissions) for the download directory on your server are appropriate (the web server should own the directory). If necessary, you can change the group that will own the uploaded file using the docmanager_filegroup config.
As a last resort, you can change the file mode for uploaded files so they have global read/write privileges (although keep in mind this will create an opportunity for potential security violation). To change the file mode for uploaded files, edit line 215 in modules/docmanager/attributes/ from:
 // Modify the file rights:
 chmod($this->m_dir . $rec[$this->fieldName()]["filename"], 0660);
 // Modify the file rights:
 chmod($this->m_dir . $rec[$this->fieldName()]["filename"], 0664);

Additional Modules

6.1 Where can I find additional Achievo modules?

Additional modules will be available in the GitHub atkphpframework group after they have been migrated from the ibuildings svn server (but be aware that many modules will require updating before they can be used with Achievo 1.4.5+).
6.2 How do I install additional modules?
This depends on the module. Every module contains a doc directory which contains a file named INSTALL. This INSTALL file describes the steps needed to install the module.
6.3 I've downloaded and installed the module, but am unable to find new menu-entries. Where can I find the new features?
Usually, new features are only available to users that are granted access. Since users can not grant access to features to which they don't have access themselves, you will need to login as Administrator to be able to grant access to other users. Once you've granted access to one profile, all users from this profile can access the new feature (and if they have the right to edit profiles, grant access to others).