- Ruby 2.3.1 - Rails - Sufia 7.1.0
Development is now dockerized with stack car. To start the environment copy config/database.example.yml to config/database.yml and do sc up web from the root directory
Before the first run bunle and load the database. To do so type
docker-compose run web bash -c 'bundle install && bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed'
sc up web
docker-compose exec solr bin/solr create -c development -d /opt/config
App should now be available at localhost:3000
Admin user is rob@notch8.com / testing123
There are individual rake tasks for importing meta data and files that corspond to that metadata. The metadata task is run first to create all of the active fedora objects. Then the file import task can be run to associate files with metadata. The tasks can be chained to run them automatically in sequence.
*Metadata Rake Task*
bundle exec rake setup:import_metadata[<path to xml file>,<email of a admin user in the system>]
This task requires 2 arguements:
A path to the exported xml file
A email of a admin user in the system, this user will be seen as the one that has imported all of the new collections and works
*Import Metadata for a Single Collection task*
bundle exec rake setup:import_metadata_for_collection[<path to xml file>,<email of a admin user in the system>,<collection code>]
This task requires 3 arguments:
A path to the exported xml file
A email of a admin user in the system, this user will be seen as the one that has imported all of the new collections and works
The name code for the collection, ex: MSOXYPAP
*File Import Task*
bundle exec rake setup:import_files[<directory of images>,<email of a admin user in the system>]
This task requires 2 arguements:
A path to a directory containing the images the expected hierarchy of the directory is:
collection name_code eg. MSOXYPAP
image files for the collection
A email of a admin user in the system, this user will be seen as the one that has imported all of the new files
You can run the 2 tasks in series like this:
bundle exec rake setup:import_metadata[<path to xml file>,<email of a admin user in the system>] setup:import_files[<directory of images>]
*Make Everything Public Task*
bundle exec rake setup:set_everything_public
This task makes every Collection and work public.