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At least 3 ways to run on device:
- Follow instructions for Build Projects for Code on React Native Quickstart guide and use command
react-native run-android
(or run-ios) This option will allow you to make changes to code.
Open ./android with Android studio and run the project on a device. Likewise, open ./ios with Xcode and run.
Open android/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk and install apk on your android.
Each data point is a JSON object:
dataset = {
timestamp: integer,
x: float,
y: float,
z: float,
timestamp: integer,
x: float,
y: float,
z: float,
Data sends as an array of Accelerometer/Gyro objects. Timestamp for accelerometer object and gyroscope object are DIFFERENT.
Each request has a device id attached as a parameter.
Example raw body:
Example request url: