Contract | Address |
SafeMathLib (TokenMarket) | 0x850493fd6f7a92f6d462ccba9e438b76b000bcc1 |
ATMI Token (TokenMarket) | 0x97aeb5066e1a590e868b511457beb6fe99d329f5 |
Network Settings | 0x2566c658331eac75d3b3ccd0e45c78d9cf6c4c4c |
Atonomi | 0x899f3b22908ff5674f8237c321ab309417887606 |
Contract | Address |
SafeMathLib (TokenMarket) | 0x5ef8b987e8c733d957a70441d3a086bccd1f78a9 |
ATMI Token (TokenMarket) | 0xe66254d9560c2d030ca5c3439c5d6b58061dd6f7 |
Network Settings | 0x729a741ce0c776130c50d35906f0dbd248184982 |
Atonomi | 0xbde8f51601e552d620c208049c5970f7b52cd044 |
Download and install the latest version of Solidity here: (use Homebrew)
Download and install the latest LTS version of Node.js here:
Also have truffle
and ganache-cli
installed globally
$ npm install -g truffle
$ npm install -g ganache-cli
Then run:
$ npm install
To re-compile contracts and build artifacts:
$ npm run compile
To validate linters for JS and SOL files:
$ npm run lint
To deploy contracts to a local Ganche RPC provider at port 8546
$ npm run ganache-cli
$ npm run deploy
$ cd deploy/kovan
$ ./
Make sure you have the latest version of geth
Then change into the deploy directory:
$ cd deploy
$ export PARITY_NODE=http://localhost:8545
$ export ETHER_ADDR=0xfb0987013cc730d33e537bb0ce61298ab8eb2553
$ ./
This will drop you into a geth console that will have preloaded the Atonomi constants and abi needed for contract deployment. Replace ETHER_ADDR with your own account.
To deploy the Atonomi contracts run the following:
> var estimateOnly = false
> var gasPriceGwei = 10
> hash = initSafeMathLib(estimateOnly)
> hash = initATMIToken("address of safemathlib", estimateOnly)
> hash = initNetworkSettings(estimateOnly, gasPriceGwei)
> hash = initAtonomi("address of erc token", "address of network settings contract", estimateOnly, gasPriceGwei)
> receipt = getTransactionReceipt('txn hash') // use this to ping if the transaction has been confirmed
// to view pending transactions in mempool
> var myPending = []
> getParityPendingTransactions(ETHER_ADDR, function(err, results) { myPending = results })
To execute the full unit test truffle suite:
$ npm test
To execute the full unit test truffle suite and generate test coverage report:
$ npm run test:coverage
View the current test coverage report here