Server application that scans google calendars for leave events matching specific criteria and logs details on them.
- Node version 4.*
- Local MongoDB
- Gulp
- Start your MongoDB instance. "docker run --name gcal-leave-scraper -p 27017:27017 mongo --smallfiles"
mongod --port 27017 --dbpath <mongoHome>\data\db - "gulp develop" from the project root
- Go to localhost:9000 in your web browser
- Use the quickstarts/ script to create a user and put the user in Mongo along with any matching events.
- Go to and setup a new application
- From the application "Overview" screen, enable the Google Calendar API, Google+ API, and admin SDK
- From the "Credentials" screen click "Add credential" -> "OAuth 2.0"
- Set the credential application type to "web", and add oauth domain and callback
- Set environment variables for GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, and GOOGLE_CLIENT_DOMAIN from the google credentials section above
- Set environment variable for db LEAVE_TIMELINE_DB > mongodb://localhost:27017/gcal-leave-scraper
- Service API is mounted at http://localhost:9000/api
- Must connect to the standard UI at http://localhost:9000/ before using a web service in order to authenticate
- List all events: GET http://localhost:9000/api/events/listAllEvents