Lithuania's open data catalogue (
- All development changes goes to
is reserved for production releases. - Follow TDD (Test Driven Development) principle.
- Follow DDD (Documentation Driven Development) principle.
- Follow GitHub Flow principle.
From project root directory start with copying over .env.example to .env:
cp .env.example .env
From project root directory run:
docker-compose up -d
If elasticsearch does not start and raises AccessDeniedException on createDirectory(), try this:
sudo chown -R $UID:$GID var/elasticsearch
Then we need to install pgloader ( and migrate MySQL database to PostgreSQL:
docker run -it --rm \ --network katalogas_default \ dimitri/pgloader:latest \ pgloader \ mysql://adp:secret@mysql/adp-dev \ postgresql://adp:secret@postgres/adp-dev
By default pgloader creates a schema with the same name as in source database. So after this command we need to switch to public schema:
docker-compose run -T --rm -e PGPASSWORD=secret postgres psql -h postgres -U adp adp-dev <<EOF BEGIN TRANSACTION; ALTER SCHEMA "public" RENAME TO "public-orig"; ALTER SCHEMA "adp-dev" RENAME TO "public"; DROP SCHEMA "public-orig" CASCADE; COMMIT; EOF
Then we can run:
poetry install poetry run python migrate vitrina_classifiers poetry run python migrate sites poetry run python migrate poetry run python rebuild_index --noinput poetry run python createinitialrevisions
To generate static files run:
poetry run python collectstatic cd webpack npm install npm run build
To migrate files, news posts and pages to Django CMS rerun server and run:
poetry run python scripts/ \ --distribution-path var/data/ \ --cms-path var/data/files/ \ --structure-path var/data/structure/ poetry run python scripts/ poetry run python scripts/
To add new language translations (replace en with desired language):
poetry run python makemessages -av1
To generate or update .mo files when .po file is ready:
poetry run python compilemessages
To log into adminer open http://localhost:9000/ in your browser and use credentials in docker-compose.yml:
System: PostgreSQL Server: postgres Username: adp Password: secret Database: adp-dev
Scripts that are run periodically:
Script that adds holiday dates to database:
poetry run python scripts/
To set up a visp social account provider:
Create a viisp_key object in admin panel as a superuser:
The contents of viisp_key object needs to be an rsa key encoded in base64. Example of a fake key can be found in test resources.
Create visp provider in admin panel as a superuser:
The data should be as follows: Provider: Viisp Name: viisp Client_id: viisp Sites: Choose the site that matches SITE_ID in settings and points to current domain. The host machine should be connected to vpn or whitelisted to be able to access test env of viisp provider. All other fields should be left unchanged.
Create a viisp_token_key object in admin panel as a superuser:: The contents of viisp_token_key object needs be a token generated with fernet:
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet key = Fernet.generate_key
To use google analytics go to add setting GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID and set provided google analytics id.
- Email template identifiers (emails that supposed to be sent from administrative side, was decided not to refactor):
- application-use-case-rejected, current keys ({0} - title, {1} - description)
- auth-password-reset
- auth-org-coordinator-credentials
- auth-coordinator-credentials
- application-use-case-registered
- learning-material-registered
- learning-material-rejected
- auth-password-reset-token, current keys ({0} - url)
- auth-org-representative-without-credentials, current keys ({0} - dataset, {1} - url)
- auth-org-representative-credentials
- financing-plan-confirmed
- newsletter-subscribed
- suggestion-registered
- request-rejected, current keys ({0} - request comment)
- auth-new-password
- auth-admin-credentials
- use-case-registered
- request-registered ({0} - request title)
- use-case-rejected
- dataset-updated, current keys ({0} - object)
- request-approved
- auth-portal-user-password-changed
- auth-org-coordinator-password-changed
- error-in-data, current keys ({0} - url, {1} - external object id, {2} - content type, {3} - external content type)
- auth-viisp-merge
- coordinator-request-approved
- coordinator-request-denied
- coordinator-request-created