This is an online employee travel booking process project. It contains multimple web services for looking up data for the process and rules to calculate pricing. Furthermore, there are several tasks that can be activated to evaluate pricing and to review the final booking data before completing the booking.
Welcome to the JBoss BPM Travel Agency!
Add products to installs directory.
Run '' or 'init.bat' file.
Start JBoss BPMS Server by running '' or 'standalone.bat' in the /target/jboss-eap-6.1/bin directory.
- login for admin and other roles (u:erics / p:bpmsuite1!)
Build & deploy project.
Start process with following data in start form:
Name: [your-name]
Email Adress: [any-email]
Number of Travellers: 6
From Destination: London
To Destination: Edinburgh
Preferred Date of Departure: 2014-06-06
Preferred Data of Arrival: 2014-06-10
Other Details / Notes: [any-text]
Two web services will be run and a sub-process to calculate the cost before deciding it is not needed that this booking be reviewed on pricing, so you will find a task 'Employee Booking' for you to process.
Fill in the form provided for the task, it allows review of all the booking data submitted, generated by services and calculated by the rules. You can request a review to send it back for a pricing review or check the completed box to finish the task and process.
To trigger different path for evaluation, just change the 'Number of Travellers: 2' in initial submission form.
None yet...
See the tagged releases for the following versions of the product:
- v0.1 - JBoss BPM Suite 6.0.3 and travel agency demo installed.