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SoftLayer Windows OS Template System Details Win 2012
Julio Lajara edited this page Aug 19, 2014
1 revision
- ju2wheels/SL_WIN_2012-STD_64:
Name Value
---- -----
DotNet_Installed [
DotNet_Versions [
v2.0.50727 => 2.0.50727.4927,
v3.0 => 3.0.30729.4926,
Windows Communication Foundation => 3.0.4506.4926,
Windows Presentation Foundation => 3.0.6920.4902,
v3.5 => 3.5.30729.4926,
Client => 4.5.50938,
Full => 4.5.50938,
Client =>
HotFix_Installed [
KB2803676 => Update,
KB2832418 => Security Update,
KB2802618 => Update,
KB2785094 => Update,
KB2850674 => Update,
KB2795944 => Update,
KB2862973 => Security Update,
KB2757638 => Security Update,
KB2839894 => Security Update,
KB2785220 => Security Update,
KB2913152 => Update,
KB2862768 => Update,
KB2896496 => Update,
KB2805222 => Update,
KB2829254 => Security Update,
KB2889784 => Update,
KB2883201 => Update,
KB2869628 => Update,
KB2844289 => Security Update,
KB2737084 => Security Update,
KB2836947 => Update,
KB2916036 => Security Update,
KB2813430 => Security Update,
KB2901119 => Security Update,
KB2862966 => Security Update,
KB2756923 => Security Update,
KB2877211 => Update,
KB2840632 => Security Update,
KB2780342 => Update,
KB2909921 => Security Update,
KB2900986 => Security Update,
KB2845533 => Update,
KB2822241 => Update,
KB2877213 => Update,
KB2892074 => Security Update,
KB2911101 => Update,
KB2769034 => Update,
KB2898870 => Security Update,
KB2912390 => Security Update,
KB2863725 => Security Update,
KB2800033 => Update,
KB2851234 => Update,
KB2750149 => Update,
KB2862152 => Security Update,
KB2862335 => Security Update,
KB2761094 => Update,
KB2769165 => Update,
KB2863243 => Security Update,
KB2875783 => Security Update,
KB2736693 => Security Update,
KB2861702 => Security Update,
KB2805227 => Update,
KB2729462 => Security Update,
KB2770660 => Security Update,
KB2836946 => Update,
KB2770917 => Update,
KB2864058 => Security Update,
KB2789649 => Security Update,
KB2864202 => Security Update,
KB2861194 => Security Update,
KB2856758 => Update,
KB2868626 => Security Update,
KB2764870 => Update,
KB2901127 => Security Update,
KB2742614 => Security Update,
KB2901120 => Security Update,
KB2789650 => Security Update,
KB2903938 => Update,
KB2835361 => Security Update,
KB2758246 => Update,
KB2853915 => Update,
KB2779768 => Update,
KB2887069 => Security Update,
KB2917499 => Update,
KB2849470 => Security Update,
KB2884256 => Security Update,
KB2862330 => Security Update,
KB2882780 => Update,
KB2868725 => Security Update,
KB2871777 => Update,
KB2784160 => Update,
KB2876331 => Security Update,
KB2909210 => Security Update,
KB2800088 => Update,
KB2805966 => Update,
KB2811660 => Update,
KB2898865 => Security Update,
KB2893984 => Security Update,
KB2829361 => Security Update,
KB2904266 => Update,
KB2840633 => Security Update,
KB2823516 => Update,
KB2904659 => Security Update,
KB2815769 => Update,
KB2807986 => Security Update,
KB2765809 => Security Update,
KB2893519 => Update,
KB2898866 => Security Update,
KB2891804 => Update,
KB2893294 => Security Update,
KB2919393 => Update,
KB2798162 => Update,
KB2808679 => Update,
KB2836988 => Update,
KB2876415 => Update,
KB2868038 => Security Update,
KB2769166 => Update,
KB2756872 => Update,
KB2847311 => Security Update,
KB2849568 => Security Update,
KB2742616 => Security Update,
KB2861704 => Security Update,
KB2777166 => Update,
KB2812829 => Update,
KB2871389 => Update,
KB2881468 => Update,
KB2843630 => Update,
KB2830290 => Security Update
Installed_Products [
OS_BuldNumber 9200
OS_Caption Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard
OS_OSArchitecture 64-bit
OS_ServicePackMajorVersion 0
OS_ServicePackMinorVersion 0
OS_Version 6.2.9200
PowerShell_Version 2.0
WinMgmtFrmwkCoreKb_Installed False
Winrm_DllVersion 6.2.9200.16384
Winrm_ServiceStatus Running
Winrm_Version 3.0
- ju2wheels/SL_WIN_2012-DC_64:
Name Value
---- -----
DotNet_Installed [
DotNet_Versions [
v2.0.50727 => 2.0.50727.4927,
v3.0 => 3.0.30729.4926,
Windows Communication Foundation =>
Windows Presentation Foundation => 3.0.6920.4902,
v3.5 => 3.5.30729.4926,
Client => 4.5.50938,
Full => 4.5.50938,
Client =>
HotFix_Installed [
KB2729462 => Security Update,
KB2736693 => Security Update,
KB2737084 => Security Update,
KB2742614 => Security Update,
KB2742616 => Security Update,
KB2750149 => Update,
KB2756872 => Update,
KB2756923 => Security Update,
KB2757638 => Security Update,
KB2758246 => Update,
KB2761094 => Update,
KB2764870 => Update,
KB2765809 => Security Update,
KB2769034 => Update,
KB2769165 => Update,
KB2769166 => Update,
KB2770660 => Security Update,
KB2770917 => Update,
KB2777166 => Update,
KB2779768 => Update,
KB2780342 => Update,
KB2784160 => Update,
KB2785094 => Update,
KB2785220 => Security Update,
KB2789649 => Security Update,
KB2789650 => Security Update,
KB2795944 => Update,
KB2798162 => Update,
KB2800033 => Update,
KB2800088 => Update,
KB2802618 => Update,
KB2803676 => Update,
KB2805222 => Update,
KB2805227 => Update,
KB2805966 => Update,
KB2807986 => Security Update,
KB2808679 => Update,
KB2811660 => Update,
KB2812829 => Update,
KB2813430 => Security Update,
KB2815769 => Update,
KB2822241 => Update,
KB2823516 => Update,
KB2829254 => Security Update,
KB2829361 => Security Update,
KB2830290 => Security Update,
KB2832418 => Security Update,
KB2835361 => Security Update,
KB2836946 => Update,
KB2836947 => Update,
KB2836988 => Update,
KB2839894 => Security Update,
KB2840632 => Security Update,
KB2840633 => Security Update,
KB2843630 => Update,
KB2844289 => Security Update,
KB2845533 => Update,
KB2847311 => Security Update,
KB2849470 => Security Update,
KB2849568 => Security Update,
KB2850674 => Update,
KB2851234 => Update,
KB2853915 => Update,
KB2855336 => Update,
KB2856758 => Update,
KB2861194 => Security Update,
KB2861702 => Security Update,
KB2861704 => Security Update,
KB2862073 => Update,
KB2862152 => Security Update,
KB2862330 => Security Update,
KB2862335 => Security Update,
KB2862768 => Update,
KB2862966 => Security Update,
KB2862973 => Security Update,
KB2863243 => Security Update,
KB2863725 => Security Update,
KB2864058 => Security Update,
KB2864202 => Security Update,
KB2866029 => Update,
KB2868038 => Security Update,
KB2868626 => Security Update,
KB2869628 => Update,
KB2871389 => Update,
KB2871777 => Update,
KB2871997 => Security Update,
KB2875783 => Security Update,
KB2876415 => Update,
KB2877211 => Update,
KB2877213 => Update,
KB2881468 => Update,
KB2882780 => Update,
KB2883201 => Update,
KB2884256 => Security Update,
KB2887069 => Security Update,
KB2889784 => Update,
KB2891804 => Update,
KB2892074 => Security Update,
KB2893294 => Security Update,
KB2893519 => Update,
KB2896496 => Update,
KB2898865 => Security Update,
KB2898866 => Security Update,
KB2898870 => Security Update,
KB2900986 => Security Update,
KB2901119 => Security Update,
KB2901120 => Security Update,
KB2901127 => Security Update,
KB2903938 => Update,
KB2904266 => Update,
KB2909210 => Security Update,
KB2911101 => Update,
KB2912390 => Security Update,
KB2913152 => Update,
KB2917499 => Update,
KB2920189 => Security Update,
KB2922229 => Security Update,
KB2926765 => Security Update,
KB2928678 => Update,
KB2929755 => Update,
KB2930275 => Security Update,
KB2931357 => Security Update,
KB2931367 => Security Update,
KB2934016 => Update,
KB2939576 => Security Update,
KB2955163 => Update,
KB2956037 => Update,
KB2957189 => Security Update,
KB2957689 => Security Update,
KB2962407 => Update,
KB2964736 => Security Update,
KB2965788 => Security Update
Installed_Products [
OS_BuldNumber 9200
OS_Caption Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
OS_OSArchitecture 64-bit
OS_ServicePackMajorVersion 0
OS_ServicePackMinorVersion 0
OS_Version 6.2.9200
PowerShell_Version 2.0
WinMgmtFrmwkCoreKb_Installed False
Winrm_DllVersion 6.2.9200.16384
Winrm_ServiceStatus Running
Winrm_Version 3.0