This package provides a go cross-platform GUI installer to fulfill following use case :
- User reads install conditions.
- User accepts install conditions.
- Installation proceeds and displays progress status on each step.
- Display install global success/failure.
Create an installer by providing a headline title :
i := installer.New("Installation of your app!")
Add one or many conditions to be accepted by the user :
i.AddCondition("Condition1", "Accept this before pursuing installation")
Add one or many installation steps to be executed once the user click on Accept.
i.AddStep(func() error { return nil }, "This step is installing...")
Start the GUI window by providing a window title
i.OpenWindow("Window Title")
Some convenient steps are provided so you don't have to implement them manually. They all start with AddStep :
A step is built from a function to process and a description to display to the user. Included steps comes with their intl description.
Because many of process functions are instant, there is a minimal delay of 2 sec for each of them to complete in order to give user a progress feedback.
You can add a custom step by providing a function that returns an error :
i.AddStep(func() error{return nil}, "A custom step description")
The GUI is managed with wails :
When you build for windows from linux, you need cross compilation libraries available with package build essentials :
sudo apt install mingw-w64
sudo apt-get install build-essential
A typical build command for windows would then be :
GOOS=windows CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc go build -ldflags="-H=windowsgui"
To add an icon to a .exe, an outstanding package is available :