A website deadoralive checker
checks a single site. A basic programmultichecker.py
checks a near infinite number of sites quickly using threadingrunner.sh
intended to be run using cron
*/1 * * * * /home/ubuntu/github/augurlabs/sitechecker/runner.sh >> /home/ubuntu/github/augurlabs/sitechecker/cron.log
will run it every minute
- Start Here: https://api.slack.com/start
- You need to create an app, and generate an app token that has permissions to create a chat message
- The required channel ID can be obtained by right clicking on a channel. You likely need admin rights on the Slack org to make this work https://slack.dev/python-slack-sdk/installation/index.html#access-tokens
- Export the slack application token as an environment variable, and add that variable to the default .bashrc, .profile. .zshrc or other shell environment setup configuratoin of your choosing.
export SLACK_TOKEN='my-slack-app-token'
or something similar.
Copyright 2024 Sean P. Goggins, University of Missouri, University of Nebrasksa-Omaha, and the CHAOSS Project