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SSL Labs API client for .NET

This is an SSL Labs API client wrapper for SSLLabs asssesment tool, based on the official SSL Labs API Documentation


The easiest way to get the library is to use Nuget. The library has been published here, and is also available at Github in source form. The following Nuget command will fetch the package for you.

Install-Package SslLabsLib


The library is currently in version 0.3.2 (on Nuget), and follows engine version 1.19.33.


  • Newtonsoft.Json -- For parsing JSON documents
  • Microsoft.Net.Http -- REST Client from Microsoft


The SSL Labs API is built up around a polling method, where you regularly poll the API for the status on an ongoing assesment. The client has been designed to mimick this. The following is a series of common commands you will be using.

Fetch the status on the assesment of Does not return the actual analysis, may start a new analysis.


Fetch the analysis of from cache (do not start a new analysis), only if it has been completed.

GetAnalysis("", null, AnalyzeOptions.FromCache | AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAllIfDone)

Fetch the cached analysis of "" if it is at most 24 hours old, else begin a new analysis and return its status.

GetAnalysis("", 24, AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAllIfDone)

Fetch an analysis, waiting till it is ready. Only fetch from cache if it is at most 24 hours old, and also publish the results. Ignore any mismatched certificates.

GetAnalysisBlocking("", 24, AnalyzeOptions.Publish | AnalyzeOptions.IgnoreMismatch)


There are a number of options available, originally documented here. I will repeat the corresponding AnalyzeOptions here.

  • AnalyzeOptions.Publish -- Sets publish to on. Will publish any new scans to the SSL Labs frontpage. Leaving this off will not publish the results.

  • AnalyzeOptions.StartNew -- Sets startNew to on. Will forcefully start a new scan, ignoring any cache serverside. Will override the use of AnalyzeOptions.FromCache if set.

  • AnalyzeOptions.FromCache -- Sets fromCache to on. Will request the scan from cache if it is available, will prevent starting new scans. Is overriden if AnalyzeOptions.StartNew is set.

  • AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAll -- Sets all to on. Will return all data available, at all times. Overrides AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAllIfDone if set.

  • AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAllIfDone -- Sets all to done. Will return all data available, when the entire analysis is done. Is used to reduce the number of requests, while saving bandwith. Is overriden by AnalyzeOptions.ReturnAllIfDone if set.

  • AnalyzeOptions.IgnoreMismatch -- Sets ignoreMismatch to on. Will instruct SSL Labs to proceed with the analysis, even if the certificate provided by the host does not match the domain queried.

Example clients

The following example clients are provided.

  • SslLabsCli -- implementation of ssllabs-scan in C#, to showcase the Client and how to use it. Is very straight forward.

  • SslLabsMassScan -- implementation of a builk scanner, which can take a domain name list and sequentiall scan the domains. Can be used for data analysis. This scanner will dynamically adjust to the limits set by the API.


SSL Labs Assesment API Library for .NET






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  • C# 100.0%